The same night we got this picture of a neat looking woodie that a guy drove to the lodge in. He said he also had a tiny house log cabin too. Would have loved to see that too, but we didn't.
On Friday we drove down to Wilderness Lakes, and were lucky to find a 50 amp site open for us! It is next to one of the canals, so we have ducks and geese visiting us.
Here's a surprising fact. Despite all the years we have been coming here, and shopping at the local Wal-Mart in Hemet, we didn't know that on the 3rd Saturday of each month they host an antique car show in the parking lot.
There were also some interesting sites here in the RV Park. This boat above was down the row from us. I loved the inflated swan on the back of the boat. He also had a kayak on top of his truck. Does he know something we don't?
Our next door neighbors have this family of ants in front of their RV. Cute. Everyday they change the position of the ants, as if they have been moving around by themselves!
Our site isn't quite large enough to set out our screen room, but Jim did put up the EZ Up to shade the car, and that is very nice as it has been hot many days since we arrived.
Another day Jim got this shot
On Thursday we went to Wal-Mart to pick up the chair I had ordered for Jim. Little did I know it came UNASSEMBLED. Lucky for us, Greg stopped by just as we were trying to put it together and gave us a much needed hand with it.
Guess who was the first one to check it out!
Once he got to use it later that night, Jim fell asleep in it. I guess that means it was nice and comfortable.
Tony came on Friday, to visit and celebrate our birthdays this weekend. It was a busy and delightful visit.
Here's Woody playing with Millie's squeeky toy. She's not very good at sharing, but things went fairly well.
On Saturday we went to play Candy Bar Bingo. Jim won two candy bars, and got one for it being his birthday. I got my birthday candy bar.............but this is the first time EVER that I didn't WIN a single one!!!! That night we invited Diane & Greg, and Almita & Rueben over for dinner, as well as Tony. Diane brought delicious home made barbecued baked beans, and Almita brought potato salad. Jim grilled hamburgers with all the fixins, and I had baked a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. We had four different kids of ice cream and toppings, so nobody went away hungry. I had told everybody that we didn't want gifts, but nobody listened to me! Tony, and my sister Judy (she lives in Minnesota) gave us a beautiful bouquet of 7 red roses, for the 7 decades we have lived.
This picture also shows my new owl curtains, and the small lighthouse kitchen timer (on the left side) that Jim got me after my last one fell in the sink and died a watery death!
This picture show the lovely owl earrings Almita & Rueben gave me, and of course they are blue, my favorite color! I wore them to church on Sunday and got several compliments on them.
Jim was easy for Almita to shop for....he's a choco-holic, so she got him lots of chocolate candy and Oreo cookies, and he was delighted!
Greg & Diane brought us a gift card to Kohl's so now I can look forward to spending that soon. Thanks to all of you for your kindness and generosity.
Last night I set up the coffee maker for this morning, but it had decided it would no longer work as a programmable maker. With pushing a bunch of buttons, we were able to have coffee this morning, but since it was trying to quit on us, we decided we HAD to get a new one before it died on us. We drove over to Wal-Mart and got a nice new Black & Decker coffeemaker. It was not expensive, but it is programmable, and much easier to use than that blasted Cuisinart one was. It's also easier to read the time and settings on this one. YAY!!!!! Tomorrow we'll know if it was a good purchase. Coming back into the park I took a scenic drive around the west side of the park, since we had not had a chance to do this yet.
We saw this on the back of a truck but we aren't sure just what it is. If any of you know, please share the information with us because we are curious.
I thought this was just too cute not to take a photo of. They've even brought along plants outside, and have that cute striped awning over the window. We couldn't live in anything that small, but I do love seeing these tiny vintage trailers when they are here where we are.
Yesterday Pastor Bob gave a very interesting sermon on the promises in Revelations, and it was a wonderful message. If you haven't read it yet, or lately, it is a very good read. I am always glad to be reminded that the end of times will come when we least expect it. It makes me stop to think about what I am doing with my life. Are we doing all we can to make this a better place for the people around us? Are we taking advantage of all the blessings God has given us to enjoy now? Or are we feeling sorry for ourselves for what we don't have (and really don't need anyway)? Bob reassured us that the end is most likely, not coming in our life time because the signs that are explained in the Bible have not happened yet, but it is clear that it will be soon. What are you doing to get ready for the end of times and the rapture? If you don't know what the signs are, maybe it's time for you to go back and read about it in your Bible.
Last, but not least, I took a picture today of Greg & Diane's travel trailer. This is where they live full time. They spend 3 weeks here, then have to go out for a week. They have a nice RV Park in Hemet that they stay in on their week out of here. Poor Greg cut his hand last week cutting vinyl flooring, and he should have gone to a doctor to have it sutured up, but he didn't. I have been bandaging it for him and making sure he keeps it clean so it won't get infected. Surprising enough, it is healing pretty well, but he will have a doozie of a scar there. I wonder what kind of story he will tell later about that!
That's all for today, so take care, stay well, and love one another. Be kinder than you think you need to be. Everybody has their own burdens they are living with. Please don't add to someone's burdens by being unkind to them. Enjoy this day and all the ones ahead.