On Saturday we took our furry kids to the vet to get their rabies shots. This vet has quite an interesting decor in the waiting room area.

These cute scenes are painted below the counter where they do the paperwork.

And the cute yellow dog is the fan they keep on the counter top.
Jim was told by his doctor, to reduce his intake of sugars, and many carbohydrates, as well as his need to lower his cholesterol and limit his intake of proteins. He has been diagnosed as being pre-diabetic, and we hope to avoid full blown diabetes if we can. As a result, we have begun a new regimen of healthier eating and hope to get more exercise. To kick start this new life style, we packed up and gave away TWO large bags of foods we should not eat: cake and cookie mixes, cans of frostings, cheeses, pudding mixes, candy, graham crackers, and cookies and so much more. We plan to eat more fresh fruits, salads and veggies. I told our dear friend Almita, because she often buys Jim candy, especially chocolates. We even skipped going to Candy Bar bingo last Saturday!!!!! Almita sent me a wonderful and supportive email reply, some of which I wanted to share today. She said "It's really a blessing that Jim now has a clear picture of his health issues before things become worse.....God loves us too much to see us ruin our health and I do believe He sends us warning signs and wake up calls." She talked about giving up sugars as being as difficult as any addiction, and that is so very true. Then she said "You can do this Jim! Like any change we're trying to make, it'd accomplished 'one day at a time'. You only have to eat right TODAY." This message helped me too, because I was focusing on the foods we would have to give up FOREVER, instead of only thinking about it one day at a time. We can do almost anything for just one day. Then we try again tomorrow. She also sent me a prayer and some wonderful scripture to help us along. If any of you would like for me to share this prayer with you, let me know and I will send it to you. It isn't going to be easy, but with supportive friends, and God's help, we intend to reach our goals this year. Jim will have his blood work drawn again on July 2nd, and we hope the news will be good. I have known all along that I also need to lose a significant amount of weight, and this will be the year I accomplish that goal too.
As I said, we came out here on Monday, and on Tuesday our dear friends Jim & Diane came out to visit us before we head east to Quartzsite and beyond. I only thought they would stay for lunch and to play Mexican Train, but to my surprise and total delight, they came prepared to stay overnight!! We had such a marvelous time with them, and of course their two darling little Chihuahuas, Lucy and Daisy. Our furry kids were delighted to have their own company to play with, and walk around outside with. We had such a grand time together, that I really hated to see them have to leave. Maybe, just maybe (hint hint Diane) if they can get away, maybe they can come spend a couple days with us in our RV during our month in Quartzsite. I'll have to find out from the RV park manager if that is allowed. At any rate, I was so glad to have this time together before we leave here on Sunday.
Here is Diane with her sweet grand daughter. Diane is wearing a shirt that she and I have alike, with an owl on it.
Today, I made a list of things we need to do before we leave here. Then while I was on the phone scheduling a guy to come out to do oil changes on the RV, the generator and the car, Jim came inside to show me he had managed to badly cut his finger! Despite my best efforts, I was not able to stop the bleeding, so I applied a pressure dressing and drove Jim to a local Urgent Care center. I called ahead to tell them Jim should have two or three sutures put in it. After we got checked in, we waited more than an hour without anyone even looking to see how bad it was or if it was still bleeding. It continued to ooze, but my pressure dressing was so well applied that it held the skin of the wound close enough together that when we were finally seen, the PA decided he did not need sutures. I tried to explain that Jim will try to do things, and it will open up again, but his mind was made up not to suture it. He said to leave the steri strips and bandage on for a couple days and it will be just fine. Again he was wrong. No more than 30 minutes after we got home it began bleeding again. I again cleaned it and reapplied steri strips and a thin pressure dressing. I want to be able to see it if it starts bleeding again. I may have to tie Jim into his chair to keep him from trying to do things tonight!!!
I took some nice pictures of RVs and other things here in the RV park, but apparently I have not sent them from my phone to the computer, so they will have to be in our next blog. So I will close for now, and wish all of you good health, good fortunes, and the very best God has to offer you in this New Year. Please remember that good fortunes are not always measured in dollars. True friends are a blessing and a gift worth far more than anything money can buy. Life is a gift, so unwrap all it has to offer each day. If you have questions, remember that the Bible has the answers you need if you will read it. Don't give up on this life, even when things seem the darkest. There IS a light, and you CAN find it. And as Almita reminded me, take it one day at a time.
Wishing Peace and Joy to each of you.