Who knew I could kill my last one with too much water and too much sunlight?
As I mentioned above, we continue to have days that are above 80, and sometimes up to 90 here in So. Cal. But the nights are getting much cooler. The flannel sheets are back on the bed, along with a cozy, warm blanket under our nice warm quilt. No cold feet in this house, except maybe Millie's. LOL. It's supposed to cool down about 10 degrees next week, which we are looking forward to.

Our dear friends Diane and Jim are still traveling in their motorhome on the east coast. She sent me these pictures, and I don't think I have shared them yet. If any are repeats, just bear with me and enjoy. Here they are at Niagara Falls. Pretty chilly, but they enjoyed being there.

In case you haven't seen the news from California, there was a period of VERY low humidity and high Santa Ana winds, which lead to some really awful fires around the area. Many, many acres of land burned, homes were destroyed and lives were lost. Since there currently is only ONE way to get up and down the hill between Banning and Silent Valley, I got very nervous about the possibility of being trapped up there by fire, or of not being able to get our motorhome down the hill to safety. After several days of worrying I asked Jim if he was willing to pack up early and come down off the hill before there might be a danger in the area. We called and got a site in Wilderness Lakes for the week. We packed up as quickly as we could and drove down there. After we got into a nice site, I tried to put the living room slide "out". I heard a terrible grinding noise, so I of course stopped. I had forgotten to take down my adorable owl family clock from the wall behind the driver's seat. It was shredded! After I got the clock out of the slide, it went out perfectly. Later I looked into the possibility of replacing the same clock. To my dismay, the price had just
about doubled! I found another one to replace it, but no owls on this one. We had to replace it because we always looked at that wall to see what time it was. This is still a blue clock, our
favorite color, and its easy to see the time. And it matches the color of our living room curtains.
Last Thursday we had to move from Wilderness Lakes to an RV park in Hemet for a week. As we drove in the manager was outside and told us we would have site 43. We drove back to find site 43 was already occupied! I called Laurie back and informed of that, so she had to check the book to find us another site. All is well and this is a nice enough site, but it was an unexpected surprise! One must learn to "go with the flow" since these things do happen.
I have one more cute picture to share before I close.
I think our friend Vickie Jo sent me this picture of a woodpecker trying to feed off
this hummingbird feeder up in Silent Valley.
Let's hope he found food elsewhere.
Before I close I would like to share again my holiday wishes for all of you. Please think of all the many blessings you enjoy each day, and give thanks. Also, please think of all the many people around you who are less fortunate than you are, and what you might do to help someone else. Maybe you can invite someone to join you for Thanksgiving dinner. Could you take dinner to a shut-in? Make a donation to a homeless shelter or Food Bank. Maybe you could volunteer at a Rescue Mission or Soup Kitchen.
And don't forget about homeless animals. The local animal shelters are always over-crowded, but this time of year it's even more of a problem. Have you considered opening your heart to a rescue animal? You will be amazed how good it can make you feel to give a lonely animal a forever home. Please consider rescuing a homeless dog or cat, but only if you are prepared to make a true commitment to providing a forever home. These animals don't need to be taken in, and then abandoned later on. If you can't take an animal home, please consider volunteering at a shelter, or at least donating food, or blankets, or bags of cat litter.
The local hospitals can use donations too. There are organizations that collect toys for children who might otherwise not have any gifts for Christmas. Many churches collect food donations for families for the holidays too. Please do whatever you can to share the blessings you enjoy with those who have so much less.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!!!😊