We had planned to drive out to Palm Desert on Monday, January 6th, but decided to wait a day since there was a forecast for high winds, and gusts up to 75 mph. On Tuesday we packed up, bought propane, and set out for Palm Desert. We got as far as Beaumont when our brakes failed and started alarming. Long story short, we had to replace both rear brakes, and were delayed another day! We finally got to the RV Park on Wednesday, after spending a night in Jim & Diane's 22 foot motorhome in Yucaipa. I'm absolutely certain that God was watching over us, and saved us from harm both on Monday and on Tuesday. If we had been running at our usual speed on the freeway when the brakes quit working it could have caused a major accident, and people could have been killed. Praise God for His loving care.
Tony was supposed to come out to Palm Desert on Wednesday, but since we were exhausted from all that happened, he offered to wait until Thursday to come out. Again, I'll make a long story short, and tell you that Tony was almost ready to leave Oceanside when his blood sugar plummeted and he passed out. When he didn't arrive or answer my texts and calls, I called his girl friend who had someone go check on him. His blood sugar was down to 39 and he could have died. Praise God again for getting help to him before it was too late. Now he is much more careful about making sure he eats something after taking his insulin. I'm only telling this story because there may be another diabetic person reading this who is sometimes careless about monitoring blood sugar, or taking insulin as ordered, or making sure to eat something after taking insulin. It is very dangerous, and could be life-threatening if you don't take your diabetes seriously. Tony, I hope you will forgive me for sharing this story, but maybe it will save another person's life.
After a few more days in Palm Desert, with Tony, we packed up again and traveled to Quartzsite, AZ. Diane & Jim came with us in their motorhome. Praise God again, no problems driving out here. Unfortunately, Diane had a broken tooth and we had to drive over to Parker, AZ to see a dentist there. She was able to get an appointment quickly and have the tooth removed and started on an antibiotic. She said the dentist was really great and took very good care of her. Praise God that she didn't have to suffer with the bad tooth very long.
This week we have visited many of the vendors in the Big Tent, and bought a few things there. We found more great stuff in the booths in Tyson Wells.

The beautiful rose quartz tree was an item I found on Main St. Rose quartz represents never ending love. I have both of these little items on our dining room table.

In case you can't tell with that hat on, Jim is on the far left, next is Fred Wantz and then Jack North. Standing between Jim and Fred is Carol North. Carol and Jack have been married over 60 years, I believe. The taller lady behind Fred and Jack is Peggy. I'm sorry I don't know her last name. She is a delightful person and has been a close friend and companion to Fred for several years.
One afternoon we spotted this guy flying over the park we are in. This is a very nice park. It's close to everything and not too expensive. Fred & Peggy and Carol & Jack arrived on Monday and stayed until Friday. It was great seeing them again.
On Tuesday, Joan and Jim drove all the way out here from Laguna Hills, CA for a visit, and drove back the same day. We went out to lunch at the Mountain Quail Cafe. I was sorry to see them leave so soon, but life can be hectic, and I'm glad we got to see them before we move on to the east.
On the news a few days ago we heard about a place called Biosphere 2, north of Tucson. It's a rain forest out in the desert. I am hoping we can make time to go see it while we are staying at the Elks Lodge in Casa Grande. If we do, I will take as many pictures as I can to share on our blog.
It's getting late and I need to fix dinner now, so I will close and wish everyone a wonderful year ahead.