The second big piece of news is that our shed became unbelievably hot inside, despite the radiant heat barrier in the roof. We talked to Guy about insulating it. He suggested we use Owens Corning boards of insulation. We decided each section, between the upright 2 by 4 boards, to put one 2 inch thick board of R10 and a one inch thick board of R5. Since the upright boards are not exactly straight, or spaced evenly, each board of insulation have to be measured and cut to fit. It is time-consuming work, and the shed gets hot inside while we work. 😓 We had to move things out of the shed to make room to work. We have finished one 8 foot side wall, and most of the back 12 foot wall,and the front section where my craft table had been. We work at it from 8 am until noon, then take a break until about 6:30 pm, when we start back for another two hours. We have to cut and place 4 more of the one inch boards to finish the back wall. Then tomorrow we will have to move the shelves back into place so we can unload and move Jim's work bench, so we can do the other 8 foot side wall and finish the front wall beside his work bench. We decided against rolled fiberglass for insulating the roof because it is just too much work, and costly too. We have ordered enough Reflectix to put a double layer across the whole ceiling boards. That should be much better than it is now. That can be stapled up in 2 foot wide sections, so we HOPE it won't be too awful to do. At least this work has kept us off the streets during this "stay at home" period of time. LOL. I haven't done real labor in years. 😬 You can be sure that Jim is working harder than I am, but this is quite an ordeal for me too. By night time, there is no part of me that doesn't hurt. And the only good part so far is seeing how much we have gotten done!!! 😉 Hopefully our next blog will have pictures of the carport AND the fully insulated shed.
Tony sent me this and I just had to share it. I hope everyone is staying home as much as possible and staying well. One has to find new ways to amuse yourself. Have you seen the ad on TV showing the infant being dragged by the robot vacuum? Too cute.

But I don't think I posted a picture of our delightful glider swing. After we work on the insulation in the shed, we sit back on this and relax with a cold can of diet Coke. We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the glider.
We know these weeks of self-quarantine are difficult and stressful for everyone. Please remember that God is still in control and we will survive this and return to the lives we once knew. Things may never be exactly the way they were. Someone posted on Facebook that the big box stores like
Wal-Mart and Target will get through this, but many small, local businesses will suffer terribly for what has been going on. When the stay-at-home orders are eased or lifted in your areas, I hope you will do what you can to help small business to get going again. Shop local stores, visit local restaurants, and return to your places of worship. They need your support. Check in on your neighbors too. If you are going to the market, see if they need any supplies, or even want to go with you. This is a time when we can make community a very powerful unit. I'll close now and wish you all the best in the days and weeks ahead. I'm praying for all of you, and your families, and your communities. Stay strong in the knowledge that Jesus loves you. Bye for now.