I don't know how long this will be because I don't know where to begin or what I am going to write today. Much of the weather here has been cold and windy and sometimes rainy too. In fact, last night we had, what the weather service called a Bomb Cyclone. It knocked out TV and phone service all over the area. The night before we lost our electricity for almost two hours. Our furnace has an electrical start, so it got pretty chilly in here until the power came back on.
As some of you know, we have been using DirecTV for our TV satellite service for over 12 years. We never saw the need to upgrade to the HD service they offered as we were satisfied with the SD (standard) service we had. Recently, as some of you may also have found out, they are converting all of their customers to HD, and we got an email saying the upgraded equipment would not cost us anything (but of course the service itself would cost more) and they would be happy to send someone out to set up the new receiver. We would still have had a problem because the actual dish we have, called the King Quest cannot receive the HD signal, so we would have had to buy an additional part from King or from Camping World to receive the new HD signal through the new receiver. Long story short, they gave us a LOT of grief about changing the address for our service to our Arrey, NM address, and then they turned off our service coming from Los Angeles, and couldn't turn it back on for here. I also discovered that if I went ahead with the new set-up, my monthly charge would increase AND I would be charged an additional $13.99 for the STARZ package, which we didn't even want, AND we would be locked into the new contract for 24 months. We discussed it and decided we didn't want all of that forced on us, so I called them back and told the I would like to close out my account, and terminate all service from DirecTV. They weren't happy about it, and the lady even asked if there was ANYTHING AT ALL that she could offer to get us to stay. We said no because we have become more and more dissatisfied with their service, and it is time for us to end our service with them.
As I noted above, today is PI day (3.14*****), and we have been going to PIE Town on this day with Pastor Ric and his lovely wife Mary for the last few years. However, we had no choice but to pass on it today. Yesterday Jim was working on something outside and came in to get something he needed. When he tried to go outside, he was unable to open the RV door! Again, I will shorten the story and say that he tried very hard, but could NOT open the door, OR remove the lockset. This same thing has happened three times in the past, but there is only ONE kind of lock for THIS door, and unless we spend a ton of money to get a new door, which would be a special order, and take time to even find one, if possible we have to keep replacing the lockset. Rick O'Neill came down from Elephant Butte with what he thought would work, but it was much smaller and could not be used. He DID get the door open, but he is going to have to order the lockset we need. He said we can lock the door with the dead bolt, but I'm afraid that if that also breaks, he might not be able to get it open again.

My dear brother Tony sent me this picture, and the caption says it all. I needed that chuckle today. I can't remember if I posted this picture of Millie peeking out from the living room curtains.
I hope you can enlarge this and read what I wrote to a lady named Jenn who writes this column in the Thousand Trails "Trail Blazer". I was quite surprised to see that she had shared what I had written, and a little proud too. Our pets are truly part of our family and they bring us joy in so many ways. I don't remember who wrote it, but I once read a quote that said "I hope I can be even half as good as my dog thinks I am". I will never understand how anyone can be unkind, or as too often is the case, downright cruel to animals. Pets give us such unconditional love and adoration. They truly make many of us into better people than we were before they became part of our lives. It's no wonder the word DOG is GOD spelled backwards, showing us a mirror image of God's love for us.
Pastor Dudley Bristow's wonderful wife Karen introduced me to an author I have come to love. Her name is Jan Karon. She writes delightful books about a fictional character by the name of Father Tim and his sofa-sized dog Barnabas and the town of Mitford. I couldn't find them locally or on walmart.com, so Tony has ordered me several from Amazon. These books are a total delight! I am enjoying them so much I don't want them to end. I have limited my reading time to make them last longer. These books are filled with interesting characters, and do NOT contain any nastiness like violence or dirty language. I must say that I heartily recommend them to anyone who is seeking delightful entertainment.
I guess I will close for now and wish everyone a good evening and the most blessed of days ahead. Remember to enjoy each day and be grateful for all you have, knowing there are many less fortunate than you are. Savor each day since none of us know how many more we will have. Know that God loves you and wants you to be happy. Love generously, forgive graciously, and look for the good in others.
The weather has improved with the days warm enough for short sleeves, and nights cool enough to sleep comfortably.
I don't remember if I posted this picture before. It is an owl spinner that I bought in Quartzsite this year. Since we can't put out our awning here because of a tree close to the RV, I have kept it inside so far. I think I mentioned going out to dinner in Quartzsite with Big Fred and Marla, but I don't think I included the picture I took of them, so here it is, on the right. In this restaurant there was a cute sign that I liked. It works for us, and many of our friends I believe.
We think life is too short to skip dessert, or to drink cheap wine!!!
I do believe God meant for us to enjoy this life,
and we are doing our best to do so.
Here is a picture of the necklace I made for Willie, as you can see, my love of owls has NOT diminished. He actually seems to like wearing it.
Our next blog will include more pictures, because I went crazy on walmart.com this week.......ordered several new things, but they were ALL things we really needed. I think so anyway.
My sister Judy lives in Zimmerman, Minnesota. Many of us have been experiencing weather much colder than we are used to enduring. But here is a picture of the area outside Judy's home. This should help many of us to realize how lucky we are to NOT live in any of the frozen areas such as this one. OMG!!!
I spoke about enjoying this life, but Jim and I are still striving to live a healthier life, so we may enjoy it for a longer time. We have invested in a trampoline to exercise on. Due to the cold and windy and rainy conditions, we have not used it as much as we had hoped to, but now that the weather is improving, I'm hoping to hop on it and use it every day. We are walking more too, and trying to eat a more healthy diet. We are eating more fruits and veggies and smaller portions of meat most days. Jim has been drinking a lot of water every day too. I knew I should, but the water in many campgrounds is pretty bad, so I wasn't drinking it. I think I mentioned that our friend Sherry told us about the Zero water filter pitcher they use, and we ordered one. It was too big to fit in our RV refrigerator, so we put it in the outside fridge. It holds10 cups of filtered water, and we use it to fill our drinking water bottles. We got another Zero pitcher that holds 6 cups of water and fits in the door of the RV refrigerator. We use that one primarily to fill the dogs water bowls, make coffee, and cook with. The big news
is.......now I am also drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water each day,
and I LIKE IT!
We couldn't give up sweets entirely, but we have cut down on them a great deal. We no longer keep ice cream in the freezer. If we feel the need for candy, we buy ONE bar and split it. We try to savor each bite so we enjoy the quality of our treat, not the quantity. By cutting back on unhealthy snacks we are also saving a considerable amount of money..............and I am finally losing weight too! Life is good, and we hope we will have good news in June after we see our doctors for our semi-annual checkups. I'm also hoping that as I continue to lose weight, I will have less knee pain, so I will be able to exercise even more.
I know this is so bad, but it is also funny. And we DO watch Wheel of Fortune too.
My point here is that life has it's ups and downs. It's not always easy to be optimistic, and sometimes things seem to be really crappy, but we need to keep our sense of humor and laugh. Some say laughter is the best medicine. I'm not sure it is always better than what your doctor prescribes, but it does help us to carry on if we can still laugh. And don't forget that we can laugh at ourselves and at our foibles too.
Here are Diane & Jim Hubert, our two favorite glazed do-nuts! And on the right is my dear sweet reindeer, Jim. And just to prove I can laugh at myself...........
Here I am trying to take a selfie that shows a set of owl jewelry I had made.
And last but not least, Jim in a raccoon skin Daniel Boone hat I got him in Bowie, Arizona.
Life IS a gift, so have a great day and a most glorious week ahead.