With all that has been going on, it's hard to keep an optimistic outlook, but I will try. I fully agree that what happened to George Floyd is tragic, criminal and unimaginably awful. However, the behavior of so many rioters is still wrong, wrong, wrong. I do understand protests, but what does burning buildings, stealing big screen TVs, and attacking innocent other people have to do with what happened to George Floyd? What happened to him is being used as an excuse for deplorable, and criminal conduct. Is anyone besides me tired of hearing Black Lives Matter? I believe ALL lives matter! Yes, I do understand that what was done to him is MUCH more likely to happen to a black person than a white person, but the message should be that this kind of brutality should NOT be tolerated against ANYONE. Our Lord Jesus died for ALL people, not just white people. So let's stop causing division and hatred, and look for ways to unite everyone, and teach our children to love all people. Children are not born hating people who are different from themselves, they are taught to hate, and that MUST stop. Enough said on that.
By now I had hoped to be posting pictures of our beautiful new carport that was supposed to have been delivered this past Saturday. However, on Thursday I received a call saying there was some kind of emergency and there would be no driver to deliver it until June 18th. Considering that many days here are up over 100 degrees, I was not happy to learn that our car must sit out in the heat for another two weeks. I asked Janice if she could do anything to help. Janice is an awesome person and she does all she can for the folks who live here in the park, so she called them.

Unfortunately they gave her the same excuses, and we are still hoping that it will get here on the 18th, and not be delayed anymore. I am told that the quality of these carports is excellent, so we are still hoping to get it, but the quality of the delivery service is very, very disappointing. We know of one customer who, after multiple delays ended up cancelling his order. I don't blame him for deciding to do that, but we really want the one we ordered, so we hope we won't have to cancel it and start over looking for another provider.
I don't think I posted any pictures of the shed since we put up the insulation. I didn't know it was going to be lavender colored! Jim is not thrilled, but I like it. We also put two layers of Reflectix, with a large air space between, inside the roof to keep it cooler inside. It didn't do as much as Jim had hoped, but it does keep it 20 to 30 degrees cooler inside than outside. We still wouldn't want to spend time in the shed between noon and 5 p.m.!
As I said on Facebook, I spend a lot of time, and money too, shopping online. Since our silverware (stainless steel really) is over 47 years old, even though it still looks like new, I was tired of it and wanted something different. I looked through the choices on walmart.com and found one we both liked, so I ordered it. It's beautiful......BUT the knives are a little too long for the tray in our silverware drawer, so I had to order a new silverware tray.
Some of you may be aware of my recent love affair with rose gold items. I have gotten jewelry, barrettes, clothes and candle holders in this beautiful shade of pink known as rose gold. Imagine my delight when I found a service of stainless steel flatware and napkin rings in rose gold! Again, I clicked on walmart.com and in a couple weeks it was delivered. However, now I was disappointed because the rose gold flatware doesn't "go with" my red, white and blue lighthouse Corelle dishes.......so yesterday I went back on walmart.com and found a set of Corelle dishes in white with a rose and gray and green border of small flowers. It should be arriving before the end of this week! I also found a salt and pepper set in rose gold, which will be my next purchase. I know that in an RV with limited space, one doesn't NEED two sets of dishes and two sets of flatware, but soon I will have them.
News flash! Although I have never
been much of a gardener, we are trying
with ONE plant. We bought a tomato plant at
Wal-Mart, and Jim put the barrel together to hold it. We put some flat-ish rocks in the bottom of the barrel so water can drain out of the pot, and we have three small tomatoes on it! Here's hoping I don't kill this poor plant. If I succeed with this, then next year I might try a few more plants. Maybe sweet green peppers, cucumbers, and some lettuce too. I'd love to grow a small patch of strawberries if I can, but that remains to be seen. I was thinking of putting my little garden in a wagon, so I can wheel it out of the sun, if it gets too hot for the little plants.

Our church suggested wearing masks, but it was not mandatory. Still Jim wanted to comply. He's such a health and safety conscious person! Good health to one and all. It's also important to have a sense of humor during such difficult times. Despite this terrible pandemic, we must not live in fear. Remember that God is still in control, and know we will get through this. Joke for the day: do you know why so many people are stockpiling toilet paper? Because many people are eating their own cooking for the first time in years. LOL

It looks like she did a great job on them.

Every day in the news we see the actions of haters. Do we want to be like them? I hope not. Please learn that we must live each day as if it is the only one we have, because we re not guaranteed of tomorrow. Be the best you that you can be TODAY. Be a friend to someone who may need a friend more than you could ever know. Reach out to family and friends with love. Just go that extra mile for some one today. Then maybe it will feel good to you, so you will want to do even more tomorrow. If you are going to the store, and you have an elderly neighbor, maybe you can offer to take him with you, or pick up things for him so he can stay safely at home. We have also learned that because of the stresses of this stay at home situation, domestic violence has increased. Please be kinder than usual to the people around you. If you see problems in around you, report it to local authorities. Do whatever you can to help relieve stress in yourself and others. Offer help when you can. Maybe you can donate food, clothes or money to your local food banks or other charities. Even though we are told to practice social distancing, we are still part of our communities, and our help is needed.
I will close now, and wish everyone a good day and good health. 😃
Jim and you did a really good job insolating the shed. It looks real nice. You all should be proud of the work you did.