The picture on the left is their 5th wheel trailer. They left it up on the hill in storage, and when they go other places, they take a tent camper they can tow behind their van. The picture above on the right is their little darling Lucy. She is very friendly, but could only take just so much of Millie sniffing her over!!!! She is really cute, and runs outside when the door is open, but comes right back when she is called.....not like Millie, who would run and run.
As you know, we were worried about the possible danger of driving down the hill from Silent Valley if the brakes were not usable, so on Monday I called the Auto Club and arranged to have a tow truck, from Stagecoach Towing to load up the RV and carry it down the hill on a large flat-bed truck. The dispatcher said they would have the truck up there between 10 and 10:15 am on Wednesday. At about 9:45 am I got a call from a different towing company asking questions about our needs. After I told her what she needed to know, she said there was no way she could have a truck up there until THURSDAY. I told her that was not satisfactory, so she said she would call Auto Club back and tell them they needed to get us another truck. Finally they got us a truck, but he could not carry it, so he would disconnect the drive train and tow it down the hill.
This was in the parking lot across from the entrance to Silent Valley, where he hooked the RV up for towing.
We came down the hill first and Jim caught this shot as the guy got our RV down on flat ground! By the way, I've never mentioned this, but we named the RV Marylou after my mom, so she could go everywhere we go with us.
We got back to the KOA in Banning before 5 pm, and got set up in our site. With all the stress of worrying about it all, we were I called and ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut (they deliver!) and we had a quiet evening there.
That's our house, and our neighbor with a tent trailer. The picture on the right is a view in the KOA park. We left about 10:30 am and got down here before noon. After checking in we set out to find a nice site. Much to our amazement, one in our favorite location had just opened up. The guy next door said the previous camper had left less than 20 minutes before. We got in and unhooked the car. Jim began the set-up as I moved the car out in front. We got everything done, and had a quick lunch, then decided to try to get a satellite signal for the TV. Jim set the dish outside and I ran the start up program. By the time he came in to see how it was was already acquiring the signal from the satellite! That's the fastest we every gotten it. All is well. We were still quite tired, so we had the second half of the pizza for dinner, took showers and got a really good night of sleep. All good!
Praise God for our good fortune this week. The news could have been so much worse. We praise and thank Him for all of our many, many blessings. Also, Norm is out of the ICU and is stable and getting better. Thanks be to God.
Have a wonderful day and enjoy the weekend ahead. That's all for today.
I am glad your wheel estate did not need expensive repairs. I think you have found honest mechanics.
ReplyDeleteIt's wonderful that Norm is doing well.
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ReplyDeleteTony, your comment printed twice.....exactly the same, so I deleted the second one. yes, it was all good. Thanks. have to walk the dogs and get us some exercise now, so must close for tonight. Hope all is well for you and Woody. By the way, I loved the picture of you and Woody that you sent the other morning.....once we got up!!! We rarely wake up before 7 am or later, unless we really have to be up earlier.
ReplyDeleteHi Guys, Sorry its been so long for me to respond but I read your blogs on the new phone but haven't figured out how to respond on it. Im only on the computer once in awhile. Love the pics and all the news. I am so glad the brakes were okay. I will write more later. Up to arms in patients right now.
ReplyDeleteLove you all.