I started typing this, and had four or five paragraphs done when I remembered I had not yet downloaded some pictures from my phone. I sent them from the phone to my email OK. Then I opened my email to retrieve them...............without saving what I had written. Will I ever learn????? Anyway, so far only one picture has come through, but maybe while I write......and save.......more of the pictures will come through.
People say time flies when you are having fun. Guess what? It also flies when you are doing anything else too. Some days I just don't know where the hours went, and before I know it, it's time to make dinner and feed the dogs.

I guess the wedding went well, but we heard Ric got himself into trouble when he tried to auction off the bride and groom! Only Ric could get away with a stunt like that.
The next day Janice had a St. Patrick's day pot luck dinner for the folks here in the park. Lots of good food and good fellowship. As a fun game, Janice filled bird feeders. A couple had jelly beans inside, one had assorted candy, one had Tootsie Rolls inside and one had pinto beans in it. The object was to guess how many each feeder contained. The person who was closest won the bird feeder and its contents. Hidden inside the candy or beans, some had money and one had a necklace. I won the hummingbird feeder with pinto beans and a one dollar bill. It was a very nice day and I think everyone had a good time. Janice is a great person, and she goes out of her way to make us all feel like part of the family here.
Last Monday we drove all the way to Anthony, Texas to go to the Camping World store there.......a round trip of 167 miles. Lots of people around here drive even farther, to El Paso as if it's no big deal. Anyway we bought what they called an "omni-directional antenna". It was supposed to pick up all kinds of stations, and take the place of Cable TV or satellites. We spent all afternoon trying to get even ONE station to show up on the bedroom TV...........to no avail. We thought that if it did work well, we'd get another one for the living room TV and then we could drop DirecTV and save a bunch of money each month. Instead, on Thursday, we made the drive again to Camping World to return the antenna and get our money back. Alas, I guess there just in NO TV signals to be picked up by antenna around here.

On Sunday we were surprised when we got to church because everyone was looking out the back door at something. When we got there we saw what they were all watching. A couple from Canada were outside playing music on a pair of Alpine horns. It was amazing to see and hear. Later they did bring the horns inside and play for all of us. I video recorded it, but was not able to download the video for this blog. The man on the far left in the picture is Pastor Dudley Bristow. He is from Texas and we get a kick out of his heavy accent, but he is a really good pastor.
We spent Sunday afternoon with Mary as she was set to leave for her trip back to California on Monday, then after some appointments she will be heading north to see her dad in Idaho, and work some pow wows and then go to Canada with a friend of hers. We played Mexican Train, and drank wine and then we got all kinds of emotional. It was hard to say good bye the next day. Sadly she has had some serious mechanical troubles with her van and has been stuck in Lordsburg while the Ford service garage is searching for the parts they need to fix her vehicle. It's going to cost her a fortune and set her back several days to get it fixed, but she has no other choice.
I'm sure you have all heard the phrase "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Mary always manages to do that. She will make use of the down time to make more jewelry to sell at the pow wows, and rest up for her travels. She is a very upbeat person, and many of us could learn from her on that point. Some people would wail and moan and say "why do these things happen to me?" In all the years I've known her, I've never heard her complain or feel sorry for herself. Many years ago she was a homeless mother with children living out of her car, but she always made the best of whatever she had. Her family camped in a tent when the weather was warm enough, and slept in the car when it was too cold outside. She always worked hard to provide for her family, and never complained about how hard her life was. She learned to live on less and save as much money as she could for what is really important for her family. To this day Mary is frugal and saves as much money as she can for emergencies and to help her adult children if they need it.
Many people I know waste precious time and energy on feelings of envy of what other people might have that they don't. As I have said before, our Heavenly Father KNOWS what we actually need, and if you just ask it, He will provide for you. Most of what we may wish we had, we just don't need. All that STUFF just clutters up our lives and keeps us from appreciating what is important. Tomorrow marks the day Jesus died for our sins. He could have done otherwise, but He loved us so much He was willing to die to save all of us that will accept Him and His sacrifice on our behalf. Friday is the day He rolled the stone away from the door and walked out of the tomb. Easter Sunday, after many people witnessed His victory over death, He ascended into Heaven to make a place for us in the house of His Father, God Almighty. I can't imagine a better reason for all of us to rejoice in this promise. But as Pastor Dudley said last Sunday, this is also a time for tears, for all the people who will miss the opportunity to accept this incredible, amazing, awesome gift that is our only chance of Salvation. I will pray that all who have turned away from God or don't know Him will be lead back to the only one who knows all about us, and loves us anyway. I pray for our country which has gone terribly wrong in so many ways. I pray that our leaders will ask Jesus to show them the way to truly "Make America Great again" as only Jesus can. Happy Easter, and may God bless you all.
That's pretty cool that your mechanical owl "talks" with a live owl.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck to Mary, she is a very nice person.
Happy to hear your days are filled with so many fun things and good friends. I, too, think it's pretty cool that your mechanical owl talks with a live one. Poor live owl probably wonders why that other owl doesn't fly up to him ...ha,ha! Your friend, Mary, surely is to be admired from all you share about her. God bless her! Also, Good Friday is the day Jesus died on the cross and Easter Sunday is the day of His Resurrection when the stone was found rolled back. Today, Holy Thursday, is the day of the Last Supper and when Judas Iscariot later betrayed Jesus by turning him over to the Romans. We're at Wilderness Lakes for a month and so happy to be back after nearly five months away. Have a Blessed Easter ...He Is Risen!
ReplyDeleteHE overcame death..HE IS LORD..!!
ReplyDeleteThose who know HIM must pray "with out ceasing" for those who do not know HIM !