Last Saturday was the first ever Arrey Outdoor Bonanza held in an open area next to this campground. Janice invited vendors to rent a 10' by 10' site and set up to sell their wares. She charged each vendor $15.00 for the site, or they could pay $10.00 and donate 4 cans of foods to the local food bank. We set up that day, and donated foods to the food bank. Janice had publicized the event all over the area, but turnout was still not impressive, and sales were dismal.............but we remain hopeful that it will get better. I really wish I had taken pictures of the event, but didn't think of it that day. There were 12 vendors, so the food bank made out well. My sales were less than the cost of the site, and to make matters worse, for us, I found things to buy. I got some produce, and a good deal on a portable sewing machine. It does work and is small-ish and light weight, so that's good in an RV. I also couldn't resist an adorable blue owl I found there.

The owl on the right, in front of the cookie jar owl, and beside the white owl salt and pepper shakers is named Faith, and we found her in a local hardware store. To her left is a pair of brown owls having coffee together. Mary bought them because they made her think of us having our morning coffee.
This one is Bella, and she also came from the same hardware store. I couldn't resist her eyes!
Since our sales had not gone well, we began trying to figure out what we might sell that would be more successful. We both like to cook and bake, so that seemed like a way to go, however, one has to consider the heat, and not sell anything that could go bad and make anyone sick. We have decided to try our hand at making and selling home made breads and jellies. During this past week we bought the equipment and supplies to start on making different flavors of home made jelly. So far we have made a batch (6 jars to a batch) of Merlot wine jelly, White Zinfandel wine jelly, peach jelly, and Jalapeno Pepper Jelly. Before next week we hope to add a batch of Apple jelly, Moscato Wine jelly and grape jelly. In time we hope to add apple butter too. Before next Saturday (the Arrey Outdoor Bonanza is going to be held on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month) we hope to make about 8 loaves of bread to sell too. Probably we will make French Honey bread, Vienna bread, and Jalapeno Cheese bread. I make sure we don't make anything we don't like, so if it doesn't sell, we can enjoy it ourselves, but we do hope to sell it, so please wish us good fortune with our newest venture.

I got a kick out of this because I figured Willie has taken up yoga! And Millie looks so serious in this other picture. Can you see her owl necklace she is wearing?
I came across this picture so I had to include it. The day we drove over to Lordsburg to see Mary Iron Elk, she needed to get water, so we drove her over to a store where she could refill her water bottles. I didn't notice this at first, but Mary pointed it out. Younger people won't get it, but on the roof of the store is a sign familiar to us old folks, indicating that the store gives S&H Green Stamps. Fifty years ago that was a big deal! You stuck the stamps in books and redeemed them for many great items. When I got married the first time, someone gave me THREE books of green stamps as a wedding present!
Any way, to bring you up-to-date on Mary, it has been quite an ordeal for her. She has been staying in her travel trailer in a locked junk yard owned by the Ford Service center in Lordsburg waiting for repairs to be done to her Ford van. Last Monday made 4 weeks she has been stuck there. She made good use of her time working on crafts she will sell later this summer at Indian pow wows she goes to, and a few friends have stopped by on their travels, since it is very close to Interstate 10. They finally got the part, and when they tried to install was not the right one! Finally, yesterday she texted me that the part has been successfully installed, and today she will be on her way back to southern California and later up to Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and into Canada with a friend of hers. We are praying for her safe travels after all this delay.....4 weeks and 5 days. OMG.
Mary's experience has reminded us that we must never lose faith. She told me that she believes everything happens for a reason. She said maybe God kept her there longer to avoid something that might have happened if she had been traveling when she had originally planned to travel. She never lost faith that her van would be fixed and she would get back on the road again (like the Willie Nelson song). She never complained to me or whined about "Why is this happening to me?" Many people would have been beside themselves with anger. Many people try to rush around and do everything on a timetable of their own making. This can cause them a great deal of stress, because things don't always happen the way we think they should. God has a plan for each of us. He also knows WHEN things should happen. Much of our stress results from us trying to control that which we have no control over. Everyone knows that stress can be bad for our health too. Maybe we all need to step back and let God take control of our lives instead of stressing over that which we cannot control. Trust in God, and realize that you ARE where you should be, and He is in control, so everything will work out perfectly if you allow Him to do what He wants to do for you. Have a great day, and enjoy what God has given you. Please remember to thank Him for this's a present. Don't worry about the past because there isn't anything you can do about it. Try not to worry about the future because God will always take care of it.
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