Before we retired, people asked me how we would keep busy, with so much time on our hands. Even I sometimes wondered what we would do to fill the hours. But since we have been retired (for eight years as of April 9th) I have been wondering how I ever found time to work a full time job back then. It's not that every day is filled with glorious adventures, but there is always something to do.
Among the blessings of retirement is not being a slave to a clock. This was something we looked forward to. However we hadn't realized that our dogs have an internal clock, and are very used to life with a regimented routine. They know when it's time to be taken out several times a day. They also know when their meal times and snack times are, and they will NOT let us forget these times. Aside from that, they are quite happy to let us do what we want, when we want to.
We do feel very blessed. We have reasonably good health, a nice home and a little money in the bank for the things we need. We are also blessed with a loving family, good friends, and as I said before our furry kids. Most of all we are grateful for our Heavenly Father who makes all things possible. I am always amazed by the wonderful things he does for us and provides for us, warm sunny days and cool nights, beautiful sunsets and gorgeous flowers. We enjoy the friendly people who stay here at this park in Arrey. Most of the guys come here to go prospecting for gold. They admit that it costs them more than they get back, but it's still a hobby they enjoy. One neighbor Ron has invited Jim to go out prospecting with him someday. He's looking forward to that.
Last night after I got Millie ready for bed, she got up on Jim's pillow, and burrowed her head under this black neck pillow that Jim uses. He positioned it like this and she just sat there and waited for me to take her picture. Too cute.
Anyway, getting back to what I started out to say, there just never seems to be enough hours in the day for all we want to do. Living in an RV doesn't change most of the things one has to do. Like folks in a sticks and bricks home, we have to clean house, make the beds, do the laundry, etc. However, I think it takes a lot less time to clean this house. I can sweep and mop, dust, vacuum, and clean the bathroom in about one and a half hours. We don't have any real yard work to do here, except to sweep or blow off the patio mat. And yet, even with my to-do list in hand, at the end of the day I find I didn't accomplish more than half of what I wanted to do. For example, I go to make the bed, and I hear someone sending me a text on my phone, so I come back to the living room. I answer the text and notice I need to pick up Millie's toys that are scattered around on the floor. Wouldn't want anyone to trip over them. Then I start to do something and remember that I never made the bed, so I go back to the bedroom. I might get the bed made, then I notice that there is laundry on the floor so I take that to the laundry basket in the bathroom. When I get there I decide to brush my hair, but first I want to clean the sink. While I'm doing that Jim calls me to come see something outside, so the sink doesn't get cleaned and my hair didn't get brushed. Later I decide to wash the breakfast dishes but I see that I forgot to turn on the water heater, so I turn it on, and while the water is heating up I decide to check email on my computer. Before I know it, it's time to fix lunch and walk the dogs again. This is how it can go all day long and by evening I can't figure out why my to-do list still has several items on it, and I feel like I've worked hard all day long. Does this sound familiar to any of you?
I don't want to sound like a product spokes-person, but I do want to tell you about a few things we have found that we think are just great. First, we love hard boiled or soft boiled eggs. We like deviled eggs and I love egg salad sandwiches. BUT we both hate trying to peel eggs. We lose almost half of the egg white before we get rid of all of the shell......but not anymore. We found the "Egglets" which are silicone egg cups with lids.
Another item we have found to be very useful is the 9.5 inch square Gotham steel copper skillet. It can be used on top of the stove or in the oven. It's not too big but seems just right when we are cooking for just the two of us. I don't have a picture of it, but we found it at Wal-Mart. WE think it is much better than the Red Copper pans we have seen advertised on TV and available just about everywhere.
Anyway, life is good, even if it gets hectic at times. I'm happy to wake up to all God has given us, and do whatever I can to share the promise He made to us when He sent his son to be born, live and die to show us the way to heaven. Jesus died for our sins, and He did this because He loves us. He is the way, the light and the truth. I am FAR from the person I would like to be, but thanks to God, I have the opportunity to try each day to be a better person and show kindness and love to others. I would hate for anyone to look at my example and think they wouldn't want to be a Christian because of what they see in me. I'm a work in progress. Jesus has not given up on me, so I won't either. Just know always that Jesus loves you, and He wants us to love Him back. He wants for us to join Him in Heaven when our time comes. I hope you will accept this wonderful gift and promise before it's too late. Life is hectic, but don't put off the really important things you want and need to do.
Have a blessed and grand day, and enjoy the adventure that is ahead of you each day.
Amen, Sue! My family and I too are truly blessed! He has provided so much! Incuding, our wonderful tenants here at Arrey Rv Park! Thank you for all you & Jim do here to pitch in and all your kind words!
ReplyDeleteAnd we thank you for making us feel like family here. Other places we stay are just RV parks, and even if we get to know our neighbors, we may never see them again. But maybe I shouldn't tell others how great this park is because I wouldn't want to lose our site here if too many others decided to come and stay here. LOL.