Sunday was a quiet day here, and then Monday we drove back to Menifee for therapy again. Tuesday I had a few bad episodes of vertigo again. Very frustrating and depressing because we are doing exactly what Natalie tells me to do, and it's just not going away. Tuesday afternoon the site next to us became available, so first thing Wednesday morning Jim took down the outside stuff and we began the move from 539 to 538. It took us a couple hours but by noon we were all set up again, despite my having some really bad episodes of vertigo. This site is much better and has a private driveway, so we have more space for the car.

The picture on the right is our home set up with the shades hanging from the awning.
Here's some more of our "outdoor decor". I just love this stand that Diane & Steve made for us. We have over a dozen flags to hang from it, some with owls too. We use a pair of solar lights in the end holes to illuminate it at night. You can see a couple owls on the table too.
This picture shows the end and side shade covers on the windows. They are silver colored to match the detailing on the sides and front of the motorhome. They give shade but you can still see out of them, and we think they look really nice too. They need to be removed for travel and then put back up on the windows when we get where we are going. The small ones attach with a "snap button" and the longer side panels use a "turn buckle" so neither will be difficult to remove when we travel.
This is a view into our shaded living area. We had considered getting what Shade Pro sells as a shade room (also called a California Room) in which the side and front panels connect together with zippers. It also has privacy panels to shut out rain or nosy people if one wishes to sleep outside in the room. We had one before, and once it was set up, it was WONDERFUL. But the double layered panels were much heavier and difficult to lift. It had become a nightmare to set up and take down. We never slept outside and never would, so the privacy factor was not too important to us. This is lighter and easier to put up or down, and takes up a LOT less space when we pack up to travel! We think it was a win-win decision to choose this option over the closed in screen room. I had to rest the remainder of Wednesday and then on Thursday we drove back to Menifee again for therapy.
I am afraid even Natalie is getting discouraged because of the continued vertigo episodes. She did some research and found that in a small percentage of people with vertigo, the particles that moved around may adhere to places in the inner ear and not go back where they should be going as a result of this therapy. On the one hand, she said she does believe it is just a matter of time until the particles WILL go back where they belong. But on the other hand, if they don't I might need a referral to a specialist to do surgery to remove them. OMG, I really hope I don't need surgery, but I really, REALLY want to get rid of this terrible vertigo and be able to resume my normal activities. Right now, she is having me sleep on the couch in a sitting upright position. I do NOT like sleeping away from Jim, and I'm not very comfortable trying to sleep upright since I am used to sleeping flat down on one pillow, on my right side. After we came back here on Thursday I had NO episodes of vertigo or dizziness that day. Friday I had no episodes of vertigo or dizziness, and again I slept on the couch sitting mostly upright. This morning I woke up and when I tried to get up I experienced a slight sensation of dizziness, but not true vertigo. I was a little disappointed that I had some dizziness today, but it's still better than the vertigo that makes me feel like the motorhome is rolling over on its side! Today she wants us to do the therapy again. She said to skip a day between therapy sessions, so we didn't do it on Friday, and will skip it on Sunday, then back to see Natalie on Monday. Reluctantly, I will continue sleeping on the couch in the upright position at least until Monday, as I promised her I would do.
I have a friend who told me about the use of CBD oil for medical purposes and she suggested that I try it for the vertigo. It is used successfully to treat many types of pain, such as arthritis, and it is supposed to be very beneficial in controlling the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. We have a very beloved friend who suffers from Parkinson's, and has drastically reduced his social interactions because of the tremors he has. I truly HOPE he will try CBD oil as he might find it will help him to control the tremors so he can enjoy going out to dine and see friends again. As for me, I don't know if CBD oil would simply mask the vertigo or if it can actually make it stop. I have decided to "stay the course" as long as Natalie thinks she can effect a cure of the vertigo. However, if she gives up on me, then I will try the CBD oil therapy to see if it will cure the vertigo. Also, even if the therapy does produce a cure of the vertigo, I want to try the CBD oil for the pain I have from arthritis, compression fractures in my back and sciatica later on. If it helps me, Jim will try it too as he has arthritis and sciatica too.
I realize many people every day are dealing with problems much worse than my vertigo. And people who have never experienced it may mistakenly think it's JUST dizziness, but it is much worse than dizziness. When it strikes, your whole existence is thrown out of whack! You can't stand or walk, and you don't know which way is up. Your eyes "snap" so you can't see clearly. If not protected, you could definitely fall and injure yourself. And one of the worst parts is:YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN IT WILL STRIKE, until it happens. It can also cause severe nausea and vomiting. This isn't a fun way to live.
In spite of this, we do count our blessings every day, and we pray for those others who are also suffering and trying to cope with their own problems and issues. We KNOW that God listens to all prayers and answers all of them according to His plan for each of us. We thank Him for all He gives us, and trust Him to see us through all of our difficulties. For each of you who is dealing with issues that cause you pain or distress, we encourage you to pray for healing and comfort. Know that God loves you and is watching over you all the time. He will bless you and keep you. Please take the time to really talk to God and create an intimate, loving relationship with your heavenly Father.
Have a great day and remember it's called "the present" because it is a gift from God. Enjoy it and thank God for it.
Good bye for today.
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