This year has had some highs, and some very sad lows for us. People we have loved have passed away. Others have become ill, or disabled. Beloved pets of some others have developed serious health issues. Others have had to have surgeries. My mother used to share a phrase that I think was originally from Art Linkletter: Old age ain't for sissies. I still think Life is a Gift, and I am grateful for each day God gives me in this life. When He calls me Home, I look forward to going to Heaven to be with Jesus, but I will enjoy this life first.
For a few, the news has been good. Diane & Jim were given a small motorhome, and have been able to experience a wonderful trip across this great country.

Here are a few pictures of everyone having fun. That is Pastor James and his wonderful wife, Judi in the picture on the right.

Here are Judi and another lady, maybe dancing a hula. On the right is Vickie Jo. She is an amazing lady who has helped me learn to use my Instant Pot, pressure cooker. I have cooked many main dishes and several kinds of cheesecake.
With practice, my cheesecakes have gotten even more tasty!
She is a prayer leader in our church too. I had hurt my left hip and was barely able to walk, so I didn't take part in the dancing or other contests. Still, I did have a good time socializing with these nice people.
This little guy is my newest owl. I don't remember where we were when I found him, but when I saw him, I just had to add him to our feathered family members.
There really has not been a lot of news to share lately. Diane & Jim have been traveling in their new 22 foot motorhome. They visited their daughter in Colorado, then friends in Arkansas, then on to another daughter in Indiana. Now they are enjoying a beautiful campground in Loudinville, Ohio. They are looking forward to seeing Niagara Falls. The truth is, I miss them terribly, but at the same time, I am so very happy that they are having the chance to have these wonderful experiences. God has given us so many blessings, and this wonderful world we live in are among these blessings. They have been so blessed, and are very grateful for being able to make this journey across America.
I wish we could have traveled with them, but with my injured hip, my mobility is quite limited, and we couldn't have kept up with them!!! She is sending me pictures, and text messages most days to share their adventures with us. I will send some of the pictures from my phone to my computer so I can share them with all of you.
This week my computer access device, a Verizon Jet-pack, was hacked. Someone was using my very limited data to stream movies. I was horrified when I found these charges on my bill. I called Verizon, and spoke with a wonderful lady who reviewed my billing history, and realized that these were not my charges. Thank God, she took the charges off my bill and restored some of my data. Sadly, there are bad people who don't think twice about scamming or hacking innocent folks, often older people like us. All I can say is, watch your accounts, and report any unusual activity, so it can be checked out. Please dear friends, I hate to suggest being suspicious, but just be careful. Don't be duped by people who try to say you owe them money, or other types of scams.
Its a shame that people try to take advantage of older people. They know we may be less skilled with the technology and that can make us more vulnerable. Be careful, and be mindful.
Be mindful of those even less fortunate than we are. Please don't let bad people like these make you less generous to the people who really DO need help. Summer is coming to an end, cold weather is coming. Please do whatever you can to help the homeless, the disadvantaged, and poor, unwanted animals in humane shelters.
Good bye for today, and God bless you.
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