But to go back a few steps, before going to the RV park where we stayed one night, in Vega, TX we spent a couple hours at Groom, TX. There is an awesome cross there that stands 193 feet tall, and on a clear day can be seen from FIVE miles away on I-40.
After leaving there, we stopped at Russell's Travel center, where we visited an antique car museum.
Not everything there was an antique, but it was still a pretty cool place to visit. Then we made our way to Santa Rosa, and set up in a nice site, where we had full hookups AND cable TV. How sweet it was! We drove over, by car,
to see their Big Blue Hole. It was interesting. I usually include amusing pictures of Jim, but it seemed only fair to put in one that lets you have a laugh on me this time.
I need to close for now, so I will get back to this later. I shut this down because we had company arrive to visit us. It was our dear friends Pastor Ric and his wife, wonderful Wendy. She told me to go ahead and finish this, but I think people are more important than a blog, so I closed for a few hours. We ended up going out for dinner tonight. Tomorrow they are coming here for dinner with us. I'm hoping to teach them to play Mexican Train (our favorite game of dominoes). Now back to the travel news.....We drove from Santa Rosa to Belen yesterday, in the dreadful high winds I had mentioned earlier. It took us six hours to drive 150 miles with the rest breaks we took along the way. Jim said he felt like he had Popeye arms from fighting the wind all the time. As always, we begin each morning with prayer, thanking our Father God for all our many blessings and asking Him to protect us as we travel. I have NO doubt whatsoever that He had His hand on the wheel keeping us safe in the dangerous winds.
We saw these horse riders at a gas station we stopped at yesterday, near Las Lunas.
Despite the winds, New Mexico is a very beautiful state, and I
would be remiss if I didn't include a few shots taken on the drive through this Land of Enchantment.
Beautiful pictures, especially the sunset !
ReplyDeleteThanks. Seems like everyone has enjoyed that picture. I'm so glad. Jim took it as I was driving. As noted, New Mexico really IS the Land of Enchantment! Maybe we should think about here for when we eventually stop traveling....maybe.