Last week we saw an interesting RV and trailer come into the park. We believe that they were dog groomers, but they left the next day, so we didn't get to see them again.
On Monday we drove to Murrieta, where I had a mammogram done. I was supposed to have a dexa scan for bone density done too, but they forgot to tell me not to take my multivitamin that day, so we had to reschedule it for tomorrow. Tuesday they called that the mammogram was abnormal and I would need to schedule further testing, but, of course it's not likely we can do it while I'm there for the dexa scan. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they had a cancellation or can squeeze me in tomorrow, as the next appointment would be weeks away, and we'll be up at Silent Valley, so it would be even longer. It's nerve wracking to have to wait that long.
Friday I called our dear friends Judy & Frank who were camped in Acton, CA near the Sand Fire (no I don't know why they NAME fires out here, but they always do). I asked them to get out of the area while it was still possible to do so. Frank had faith it wouldn't come there. Saturday I called again as it had doubled in size and smoke was making the air quality very unhealthy. He said they would be OK, and they stayed. Sunday evening Judy called that they were part of a mandatory evacuation and were here. I was so relieved to hear that. They came over Monday night for a couple hours. It was nice to see them before they put their van camper in storage here for two weeks. Frank will stay in LA with a daughter while Judy is in San Francisco helping a daughter who just had surgery for cancer, and needs help with her small children at home. Hopefully they will get back here before we leave for Silent Valley on 8/11.
Tuesday my sister Donna called to invite us to a picnic with her and George up at the Los Rio Rancho Park and Wildlife Conservancy in Oak Glen on Wednesday. She insisted on bringing all the food, and it was wonderful. We discovered as we drove up there, that it was about 10-15 degrees cooler there than down here. Wow that was nice. She served cold chicken salad AND roasted chicken, both yummy and baked beans, and home made molasses cookies. She had found us a picnic table under a very old, and very large shade tree, and there was a marvelous breeze that kept it very pleasant.
Good food, good company and good weather. It doesn't get better than that! The dogs enjoyed the day and barked at birds and other dogs. They wore themselves out and slept all the way home. Sure hope we get to go up there again this year with Donna & George.
I can't remember if we did anything special on Thursday, but Friday Millie went back to the vet for a follow up and she is doing fine. I am brushing her teeth twice a day......but she's not happy about that. We have Willie scheduled to get his teeth cleaned on Tuesday, so we are also brushing his teeth every get him used to it. He's REALLY not happy about that!
Saturday it was hot, but we tried our luck at selling magnetic jewelry. There were only five vendors out there, counting us, and since it was so hot, nobody did much business. Afterwards, we went into the family center for lunch and candy bar bingo. We won four candy bars, so that wasn't too bad. When we got back to the RV, we discovered that the wind had ripped loose the tie down for the screen room and it was laying on one side. We pulled it back up, and I held it in place until Jim could cut the end off the tie down and re tie it. What an adventure that was.
Later Saturday afternoon I went outside to get a few more pictures of what we see here in the park.
Here is another RV I saw yesterday. It is, of course, the End of the Trail, and we loved seeing it reproduced on the side of a Southwind Motorhome.
I also had to take a picture of this totally retro yellow RV. This is the all new Winnebago Brave, which is an updated version of a very popular model from many years ago.
I'm hoping I can meet the owners and see if I can see the inside of it soon.
Later I saw this sign in the window of a huge blue Fleetwood Class A motorhome, and it amused me.
Some people have a great sense of humor, and I think that is really important. We need to be able to laugh at ourselves.
Some people have a great sense of humor, and I think that is really important. We need to be able to laugh at ourselves.
Yesterday we had to take in our awning because of the wind, so today we went to pull it back out. The strap we use to pull it out broke today. Our friend Greg came over and helped Jim get it back out, so I gave him one of our magnetic anklets. He was delighted to get it and said he's bring us anew strap when he gets a chance. People are so nice in campgrounds. They are always ready to help others out. As I always have said, you meet the greatest people in these RV parks. Well, before I mess up again and lose this, I'm going to post this blog entry NOW!!!!!
Take care, and stay happy and healthy, if you can.
Take care, and stay happy and healthy, if you can.