It has been a very busy week here. We have been making lots of magnetic jewelry, in every possible size, in preparation for the Arts and Crafts Sale held here on this past Saturday. On Wednesday Brad and his son came up to see if they could help us with our towing brake, and he found and fixed the problem. We asked him to look at our water heater that was not lighting most of the time......but of course, it worked perfectly every time he tried it.
The sale ran all day long, but we only stayed from about 6 am until 2 pm. It was very hot that day, and for the first six hours we were at a table that only got partial shade. I heard that some of the vendors got there between 2 am and 4 am to get the best tables. OMG. The last couple hours we moved to a vacant table that was in the shade. A local Boy Scout troop was selling pizzas that they baked out behind the restaurant, as a fund raiser, so we bought one for lunch. Sadly, I think they were rushing to fill the orders TOO quickly, as ours had a crust that was no where near done! Alas, we made our donation. Anyway, sales wise, it turned out to be the best day we've ever had with our jewelry. Best of all, we made friends with a wonderful couple who stopped by, just to sit a minute at our table.
Last week I posted pictures showing the park with nice open spaces.....but by Friday this place had really filled up!
Some campers proudly displayed their American Flags.
The people have really gotten into the holiday spirit, including this man who decided to dress formally for the day!
It's only about 10:45 am and already many folks are gathering to begin grilling and cooking together. It's supposed to be a little cooler today.....maybe mid 80's, so Jim said he might grill outside too. The furry kids have had to stay inside when we were gone, as it has been much too hot to keep them outside with us. The best thing about being here for this holiday is that they do NOT allow any fireworks in this park. Please remember that your pets, especially your dogs, are very sensitive to the noise from fireworks, and can be terrified by them. Please do not leave pets outside if there will be people setting off any kinds of fireworks in your area. We invested in a thunder shirt, which we found at Pet Smart, for Willie. It does wonders for helping to keep him calm during stressful times, such as thunder storms. He is truly terrified of fireworks though, and even the thunder shirt isn't enough to calm him if anyone sets them off. Tonight we will be here inside with the "kids" even though we are definitely hoping there will be nothing to worry about.
As most if you know, California is among the states that have had major droughts, and therefore, very, very high fire danger. This is an area of trees and dry brush that could burn in a heartbeat of anyone is careless with fireworks or camp fires.
I will close now, with wishes for everyone to have a happy, safe and sane Independence day. Remember to honor and respect our military men and women who have served to protect our country and our freedoms. God Bless America.
Happy to hear that you did so well selling your jewelry! And making new friends is always one of the joys of RVing/camping. Fire season is on and there is always the concern of a fire starting in a forested or heavily-treed area and dry brush area. Good to have a plan of escape and pray you never have to put it into action! Sounds like you had a very nice 4th as did we. God Bless America, and you, Jim and the furry kids!
ReplyDeleteThanks. Yes it was very fireworks, no problems. We keep track of weather and fire reports, and will evacuate if one starts up this way. Stay safe and well wherever you are. God bless you both, and your loved ones too.