I wanted to share with you what has been happening since I last wrote. I believe everything happens for a reason, and is part of God's plan, but I'm not sure how this vertigo I am dealing with serves to glorify God. I am trying to figure out what He wants me to do or see or learn from this. Maybe he wants me to stop and smell the roses. Maybe He wants me to notice the people around me and see what I can do for others. We went to Bible study Wednesday night and Pastor Bob was telling us what God wants mature Christians to do. Jesus said that He will show us the same measure of kindness and forgiveness that we show to others. We need to learn to love all others, and always forgive anyone who wants to hurt us. He said we should pray in private and do our good works in secret. Jesus said that those who perform acts of piety and give gifts in hopes of the rewards they hope to receive have already received their rewards. Those who do good works because it is the right thing to do will receive their rewards in heaven. I'm a long way from what I know a mature Christian should be, but I am on the right path, and I know, God willing, I will get there.
Wednesday morning I saw my doctor. He had the reports from my visit to Loma Linda's emergency room. He did a test to confirm their diagnosis of paroxysmal positional benign vertigo. He determined that I only have it on the left side......which I hope is better than having it on both sides. He said I was wise not to try to drive until this is resolved because, as I knew, there is no way to know when the vertigo will happen. That's also why I use a cane when I walk outside. He ordered more of the meclizine, and said I can take it one to three times a day as needed. So far I did have to increase the dosing to twice a day.......I hope I won't have to take them more often than that. He made a referral for me to see a physical therapist to treat the vertigo. Not all therapists are trained to treat vertigo, so I can't see Natalie (who is trained for it) until July 9th. I will do the best I can, but I just hate being unable to help Jim with the things that need to be done around here.

Below is the spacious living room and the bedroom. The amazing part is that price is under $62,000. We have seen tiny houses on TV that cost over $100,000 that were not as nice as this one is.

This was the bathroom, and there was a large shower across the hall from the bathroom. Really nice. As I said, we can't afford this, but we sure can admire it!
Today I had my annual mammogram done at a place in Temecula. Please remember ladies, if you haven't been having mammograms done annually, it is important to get it done. It is NOT a pleasant experience, but breast cancer is not pleasant either. Annual screenings can alert you early enough to save your life. And men out there, support your wives and maybe go with them when they have to get it done. Likewise, men, prostate screening can be a life saver too. Don't put off tests that can save your life. Colon cancer screening is also important, so don't put it off. Preventive care is usually covered by insurance, so that shouldn't keep you from getting screenings done. If you are a smoker, today is a good day to give it up. If you have high cholesterol, ask your doctor how to lower it. If you have hypertension, take steps to lower your blood pressure. Learn to relax and maybe get a dog. A dog will encourage you to get outside and exercise, or at least walk. Life is a gift so take care of yourself so you can enjoy it.
When I came out to the waiting room I met a lovely lady named Patricia. She was admiring my owl necklace and earrings. It turned out that she also loves owls. We talked a while about our travels (temporarily on hold for my physical therapy treatments) and about our blog. She said she would love to read our blog, so I gave her my card. When I told her where I grew up she said she still has relatives living in Elmira! It IS a small world. She told me that she would love to travel around this country since there is so much to see here. Maybe after reading of our travels she will decide to travel too.
I'm going to close now, while I encourage everyone to cherish each day. None of us are promised tomorrow, so enjoy today. Be kind to those you meet. Remember that everyone has their own problems, so don't be a problem to anyone else. Share a kind word, a smile, or a helping hand. It could mean everything to someone. Don't hang onto anger or hurt. It won't do you any good, but it can hurt you for a long time. Pray for peace in your heart and in the world. Share love and forgiveness. You have no idea how much good it will do for you.
Hi Sue, what a surprise to read your blog and find that you mentioned meeting me in the waiting room! I have read several of your blogs and can’t wait to go back and continue reading as many as I can. It was such a pleasure meeting you and Jim. I knew there as a reason I sat next to him in the waiting room. I, too, have bpv...it is no fun! I’ve had it all my life so I truly understand what you are going through. Take your meclazine, it works! Safe travels and I’ll stay in touch. Patti (Patricia) Egan.
ReplyDeletePatti, it was so thoughtful of you to post a comment today. Please do keep in touch. One of the best parts of our nomadic life style is the marvelous people we meet, like you. I am supposed to start physical therapy to help control, or get rid of this vertigo. Are you saying that I might have to stay on the meclizine forever????? I did not realize that was a possibility. So far my doctor only gave me a limited supply of it. My mammo was abnormal, so I have an appointment for a follow up and ultrasound in Murrieta next Friday. I'll post the news when I have any. Thanks again for posting.
DeleteNo, Sue, your vertigo will subside eventually. Sometimes it returns sometimes not. Hopefully, yours will not. Yes, please keep us updated as to your ultrasound results. Happy 4th!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the feedback. Really hope you are right about the vertigo going away. Did you ever go to physical therapy for it?
DeleteI went for vestibular therapy. Works great. I think it's called the Epley Maneuver. Check it out, but don't try it at home. Some cranial sacral therapy works well also.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much. I'm not sure what kind of therapy they ordered for me, but I will find out on Monday.
ReplyDeletePatti, my email address is sueandjim2@peoplepc.com
ReplyDeleteYou may write to me there if you wish to. Have a wonderful day.