One night we were awakened by the howling of coyotes very nearby. The dogs were alarmed and barked for several minutes. The next day Jim invested in a large Mag Lite flashlight that is long enough, and heavy enough that it could be used as a defensive weapon, if necessary. I hope the need never arises, but he has it if he needs it. We are, after all, out in the wilds of nature!
You might ask why we come up here, but the area is usually peaceful, and it is beautiful. The view from the roadway is quite specatcular.
Above, are two more shots we took driving down the hill on Friday. It really is so scenic. Maybe we'll get some snow, and include pictures of it before we leave here on Sunday.
Today my sister Donna & her husband George came up for a visit and lunch. It was the first time we had been able to get together since we got back to California. They were going to visit us at Wilderness Lakes while we were there, but they both got really sick with upper respirstory infections, and thankfully chose not to bring their germs to visit us. It was great to see them today. They will be celebrating their 53rd anniversary next month. Many congratulations on that. Too many people are too willing to walk away when the going gets rough. I'm very proud of them for staying together, and raising two wonderful daughters! They also have five grandchildren. It's been a good life all in all. To celebrate their 50th anniversary they took a lovely cruise. They had a grand time, and are hoping to take another cruise next spring.
It was wonderful to have them here. Both of the dogs had fun playing with them. Millie loves company, and even Willie was happy to see them. After they left this afternoon the dogs took a much needed nap. I guess it's tough being so cute!!!
We are looking forward to a quiet Thanksgiving here, and will be going down to Wilderness Lakes on Sunday, November 29th. We are looking forward to seeing our dear friends Almita & Rueben before they head out to visit a daughter who lives a little north of here. Forgive my forgetfulness, but I think she lives up in Simi Valley, but I'm probably mistaken about just where it is. They will be gone for about a month, so we will be seeing them for a while, then wishing them a wonderful, and safe trip there and back.
As I often say, this is a wonderful, and beautiful country, and we like to encourage people to take advantage of any opportunity to see as much of it as possible. Keep the rubber side down and enjoy this great land God has given us.
Today my sister was voicing an opinion I have shared before. None of us knows how much time we have here, so we should enjoy each day. Don't put off doing things because you could regret it. She also said "don't waste time worrying about things you have no control over." Many of us waste energy doing that, so it was a good reminder.
Happy Thanksgiving, please do count your blessings. Don't waste time thinking about what you don't have....enjoy what you DO have.
Love to all, Jim & Sue (and Millie & Willie too)
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