Hi Again Dear Friends and other readers,
By the way, other readers are just friends we have not yet met. I hope we can meet somewhere down the road.
This will be short because I am just passing along some other tips I received from a very dear friend in Indiana. She does volunteer work as a small animal rescuer, and raises wild critters until they are old enough to be released into their natural habitat. Hurray for Sheryl!!!!! Anyway, here are the tips she sent to me:
Also when walking dogs in the heat " DO NOT PUT ICE CUBES IN THIER WATER !!!!
stress out & can't breath and have heart attacks. ALSO THEY DRINK TOO MUCH
TOO FAST AND DROP DEAD.... please add that to your blog, In fact NEVER
ROOM TEMP... NEO - TO- GO is a good antibiotic spray
for animals, easy to use and it soaks in almost immediately..for burns, paws,
cuts...etc ....CVS sometimes has it...CVS brand also sells a triple anitibiotic
in a small bottle that looks to be a spray but it's really a pump gel. This works great also
for those smaller, hard to get areas and use a Q-tip to spread it in & around
the area...you can find it most anywhere if you look like Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Target...
I hope these tips will be helpful to everyone. I did NOT know you shouldn't put ice in dogs water. I have done that here in the RV when we get home from being out in the heat.....and the dogs just leave it until it melts. I guess they knew better than I did. Again, thanks Sheryl for your input. I'm ALWAYS glad when anyone shares the benefit of their knowledge with me so I can pass it along. OK folks, it's up to us to keep our pets safe and healthy.
Sheryl wrote today with more tips, so I pasted the new tips in here now. I hope you will read and heed the advice.
Also don't feed grapes to the dogs...its too much of a high sugar
insulin rush for them, even though they will like them not safe for them and
some people freeze them for pets to play with in the summer... this is a no no ! Apricots & peaches & nectarines & plums, are OK in just
small bites but never let them near one of those big pits, the pits all contain
cyanide that will kill...if eaten...
Also remind people about the animal treats & pet foods containing chicken
& duck from CHINA that are still killing thousands of animals....READ THE
SMALL PRINT... some manufactures say made in USA, but small print says processed
in China, Korea...etc Check your animals food and treats on the manufactures
website or check it against the danger website list of unsafe pet food &
recalled foods & treats ( I don't know the exact name of the website, but it's
easy enough to google)
During hot days keep a small hand spray bottle - mister handy, and keep your animal
damp. There are cooling jackets that are made now that keep
your dog cool in super hot days ..RUFF WEAR SWAMP COOLING VEST......GREAT FOR
this is also available at REI camping stores , getting great reviews... EZY DOG
MAKES AN ELEMENT JACKET which is waterproof and fleece lined for body warmth in
the cooler times...
These 2 web sites are great for dog gear RUFF WEAR.COM AND EZY DOG.COM
... RUFF WEAR makes a WEB MASTER HARNESS that I recommend, this is great for
small, med & large dogs or Jack Russles ! ...hahaha and dogs that pull, or
new puppies. Great for those extra small dogs also as they can be instantly fast
to go chase a squirrel..... this harness has a clip in the front -one around the
chest and one back around their tummy - it gives you more control of the entire
animal and no neck choking incidents like in regular collars or harnesses that
they can escape thru. This harness is one they really can't get out of! Alice got out
of 5 different brands at pet smart and this WEB MASTER works and is
comfortable, and has a big handle on the top also for teaching to sit or stay
close...etc. Great if you have an animal that has seizures. This
harness has a top handle that can be easily grabbed for immediate help of your pet..
Also this harness is great for older people who need a tad bit of more control or
ease when walking their dogs especially in areas with other dogs around, like
camping sites, RV;s...etc..
OK hope you enjoy the hints and please pass along to your readers.
Bye for today.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Friday, June 24, 2016
A Short Follow up to the Last Entry
Hi Dear Ones,
This will be fairly short as I just want to add what you might call a post script to the last entry.
Yesterday we got up early to go to Camping World, because although the temperatures are milder up here, it gets pretty hot down on the lower levels, like Banning and San Bernardino. We got to the store by 8:30 am and left shortly after 9 am. We made a brief stop at Wal-Mart in Beaumont, and got back here by 11 am. YAY!!!! We didn't THINK we would need any installation since the wiring had already been done for the previous Even Brake, so when we got back here, we attempted to set it up in the car and do the "test" of it. Sadly, it did the very same thing the old one had done......and failed the test. I figured that meant that the problem may have never been the original unit, and maybe was the fault of the wiring. I called our guy Brad, to see what he thinks, and asked him if he could remove the old wiring and re-install with the new one. He said that may not even be necessary. He said it might just be a bad fuse or something like that. Now I really feel like a dope.............having spent money for the new braking unit that we may not have even needed. I guess we should have called Brad to check the old one before we ditched it! He is currently trying to reach the service department at the manufacturer for information on trouble shooting the unit. Wish us luck, please.

These two pictures were taken early yesterday morning. The first is a shot across Silent Valley, and of course the second is Jim walking Willie.
The furry kids bought Jim this nice recliner for Father's day......however, yesterday it didn't want to open up correctly.............some days are just that way. LOL
We heard on the late news last night two very, very disturbing stories, and I wish to share them as a warning to all pet lovers.
1----In Chula Vista 3 dogs so far have been deliberately poisoned using hot dogs filled with pesticides. All three have died. Please keep your dogs safe and DO NOT let them eat anything they find on the ground. This is in one location now, but unfortunately sometimes bad people decide to copy things they see or hear about, so please don't risk this kind of heartbreaking tragedy.
2---There was a report of a lady who took her dog for a "nice long walk" with her, in the heat. The dog nearly died of heat exhaustion, dehydration and also suffered severe burns on his feet! Please remember that your dog's feet are not protected from the hot roadways (unless you can keep some kind of boots on them) so please limit their exposure to walking in excessive heat. It is best to walk your dogs in the cooler early morning or later in the evening, and make sure they ALWAYS have access to sufficient amounts of clean, cool water to drink. Please check your dog's feet for any early signs of burns if you have to walk them during times of high heat too. Your pets depend on you for their safety. Please don't let them down.
Bye for today. Have a great weekend!!!!!
This will be fairly short as I just want to add what you might call a post script to the last entry.
Yesterday we got up early to go to Camping World, because although the temperatures are milder up here, it gets pretty hot down on the lower levels, like Banning and San Bernardino. We got to the store by 8:30 am and left shortly after 9 am. We made a brief stop at Wal-Mart in Beaumont, and got back here by 11 am. YAY!!!! We didn't THINK we would need any installation since the wiring had already been done for the previous Even Brake, so when we got back here, we attempted to set it up in the car and do the "test" of it. Sadly, it did the very same thing the old one had done......and failed the test. I figured that meant that the problem may have never been the original unit, and maybe was the fault of the wiring. I called our guy Brad, to see what he thinks, and asked him if he could remove the old wiring and re-install with the new one. He said that may not even be necessary. He said it might just be a bad fuse or something like that. Now I really feel like a dope.............having spent money for the new braking unit that we may not have even needed. I guess we should have called Brad to check the old one before we ditched it! He is currently trying to reach the service department at the manufacturer for information on trouble shooting the unit. Wish us luck, please.
The furry kids bought Jim this nice recliner for Father's day......however, yesterday it didn't want to open up correctly.............some days are just that way. LOL
We heard on the late news last night two very, very disturbing stories, and I wish to share them as a warning to all pet lovers.
1----In Chula Vista 3 dogs so far have been deliberately poisoned using hot dogs filled with pesticides. All three have died. Please keep your dogs safe and DO NOT let them eat anything they find on the ground. This is in one location now, but unfortunately sometimes bad people decide to copy things they see or hear about, so please don't risk this kind of heartbreaking tragedy.
2---There was a report of a lady who took her dog for a "nice long walk" with her, in the heat. The dog nearly died of heat exhaustion, dehydration and also suffered severe burns on his feet! Please remember that your dog's feet are not protected from the hot roadways (unless you can keep some kind of boots on them) so please limit their exposure to walking in excessive heat. It is best to walk your dogs in the cooler early morning or later in the evening, and make sure they ALWAYS have access to sufficient amounts of clean, cool water to drink. Please check your dog's feet for any early signs of burns if you have to walk them during times of high heat too. Your pets depend on you for their safety. Please don't let them down.
Bye for today. Have a great weekend!!!!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Happy to be Back in Silent Valley!
Hi Everyone,
It was very busy, and very hot this last week in Menifee, so I will try to recap briefly. Our previous towing brake for the car was one called Even Brake. It worked well, until it finally quit on us last year, but it was heavy and cumbersome. This time we bought one called the Invisibrake. It weighs less, and costs less, and was supposed to be installed under the seat and left in place. All valid selling points.........except that it couldn't be installed under our driver's seat because our seat is a power seat, and has parts under it that take up the space needed for the brake system. We of course, didn't find this out until Monday evening, when Brad & his son came to do the installation. He suggested we take this brake system back to Camping World and get another Even Brake, which we are going to do tomorrow.
Monday morning we got up at 5:30 to take down the screen room, and went to do laundry before it got too hot to be outside.
We saw this RV on our way to the laundry room. Back in 2006 we went to the balloon festival in Temecula, and took a ride in one. It was an incredible experience. This picture reminded us of that adventure.
Donna & George were going to come down for lunch that day, but because temperatures were reportedly going to be about 112 that afternoon, and George said he was afraid to risk taking Donna out in such heat, they stayed home. We were going to give them our older satellite dish, but since they didn't come, we gave it to a nice man camping near us in the park. By the way, it got up to 115 on Monday........just terrible, but not as hot as it is in southern Arizona, where it has been over 120!!!
Tuesday morning we got up early to pack up and leave as it was still going up over 100 again. We left by about 9:30 am and got up here around 11 am. Usually we like to find a site in the D section. If you want to Google Silent Valley and look at the park map, our favorite site is number 400. This visit the park is quite full, and we had to go back through D, and up into C section to site 538.
We have a very nice, big site, but it's far from the pool, the store and the village center, where we will be trying to sell magnetic jewelry on July 2nd. Sorry to see there is my shadow near the bottom of this picture. I'm also going to try to sell my older NuWave oven that day, since we bought a new one last weekend at Wilderness Lakes. I think I have talked about the NuWave before, but it is really a great appliance because you can cook foods, even without defrosting first, in much less time. It doesn't heat up the house like it does when you turn on the oven. We always use it for our Thanksgiving turkey, and for the ham on Easter Sunday. But you can also do many other foods as well. You can cook meat in the bottom and veggies on the rack too! We just LOVE using it!
We got settled and hooked everything up, and were able to get a satellite signal with the new dish. YAY! It only got up to 90 yesterday, and today only 89. To those of you not from California, June is usually NOT this hot. They refer to it as June gloom, usually with a lot of coastal haziness keeping it cooler, well into the late morning hours. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be a little cooler, but this last week or ten days has been exceptionally hot, and temperatures are supposed to be going back up again by this weekend. Last evening we set up the screen room in under 30 minutes! YAY! We look forward to a wonderful four weeks here, to relax and enjoy our time here.

We have a lovely, large shade tree beside our RV that helps to keep it cooler in here. The second picture here also shows our new satellite dish, called the King Quest. It is light weight, compact size and works really, really well!!!!
As you can see, there is a lot of beauty around us, and other campers are not too close.
It's always good to get back here, and feel at one with nature. This morning the furry kids were watching a squirrel through the living room window. It was near the shade tree out front, and they were soooooo excited to watch it. The kids have napped much of today since they get as tired on travel days as we do. I thought WE did all the work, but they get tired too. LOL.
Maybe, if it cools off more while we are here, we will take time to visit a few museums and points of interest in the area. It will depend on how hot it is. Where we are is not as cool as it would be up the hill at Idyllwild, but it is cooler than down in the town of Banning.
Will close now, with love and blessings to all. Stay well, stay cool and be sure to drink plenty of water on these hot days. Please remember, as I advised in my last posting to make sure your animals always have plenty of water to drink and don't leave children, pets or older people in closed cars as the heat can become life threatening in a very short time. Bye for now.
It was very busy, and very hot this last week in Menifee, so I will try to recap briefly. Our previous towing brake for the car was one called Even Brake. It worked well, until it finally quit on us last year, but it was heavy and cumbersome. This time we bought one called the Invisibrake. It weighs less, and costs less, and was supposed to be installed under the seat and left in place. All valid selling points.........except that it couldn't be installed under our driver's seat because our seat is a power seat, and has parts under it that take up the space needed for the brake system. We of course, didn't find this out until Monday evening, when Brad & his son came to do the installation. He suggested we take this brake system back to Camping World and get another Even Brake, which we are going to do tomorrow.
Monday morning we got up at 5:30 to take down the screen room, and went to do laundry before it got too hot to be outside.
Donna & George were going to come down for lunch that day, but because temperatures were reportedly going to be about 112 that afternoon, and George said he was afraid to risk taking Donna out in such heat, they stayed home. We were going to give them our older satellite dish, but since they didn't come, we gave it to a nice man camping near us in the park. By the way, it got up to 115 on Monday........just terrible, but not as hot as it is in southern Arizona, where it has been over 120!!!
Tuesday morning we got up early to pack up and leave as it was still going up over 100 again. We left by about 9:30 am and got up here around 11 am. Usually we like to find a site in the D section. If you want to Google Silent Valley and look at the park map, our favorite site is number 400. This visit the park is quite full, and we had to go back through D, and up into C section to site 538.
We have a very nice, big site, but it's far from the pool, the store and the village center, where we will be trying to sell magnetic jewelry on July 2nd. Sorry to see there is my shadow near the bottom of this picture. I'm also going to try to sell my older NuWave oven that day, since we bought a new one last weekend at Wilderness Lakes. I think I have talked about the NuWave before, but it is really a great appliance because you can cook foods, even without defrosting first, in much less time. It doesn't heat up the house like it does when you turn on the oven. We always use it for our Thanksgiving turkey, and for the ham on Easter Sunday. But you can also do many other foods as well. You can cook meat in the bottom and veggies on the rack too! We just LOVE using it!
We got settled and hooked everything up, and were able to get a satellite signal with the new dish. YAY! It only got up to 90 yesterday, and today only 89. To those of you not from California, June is usually NOT this hot. They refer to it as June gloom, usually with a lot of coastal haziness keeping it cooler, well into the late morning hours. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be a little cooler, but this last week or ten days has been exceptionally hot, and temperatures are supposed to be going back up again by this weekend. Last evening we set up the screen room in under 30 minutes! YAY! We look forward to a wonderful four weeks here, to relax and enjoy our time here.
Maybe, if it cools off more while we are here, we will take time to visit a few museums and points of interest in the area. It will depend on how hot it is. Where we are is not as cool as it would be up the hill at Idyllwild, but it is cooler than down in the town of Banning.
Will close now, with love and blessings to all. Stay well, stay cool and be sure to drink plenty of water on these hot days. Please remember, as I advised in my last posting to make sure your animals always have plenty of water to drink and don't leave children, pets or older people in closed cars as the heat can become life threatening in a very short time. Bye for now.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Monday, June 13th, Life is Great!!!!
Hello Dear ones,
There is much we want to share with everyone, so here goes.
Last Thursday we tracked down ONE copy of Print Master Platinum at the Staples store in Lake Elsinore, so we had the guy hold it for us and we rushed over to get it. Using it, we were able to produce new "business cards" to give out to people we meet. But then we couldn't print them out because I was using the power cord from my printer to replace the defunct power cord for my computer......so we had to go back to Staples to get a new power cord for my laptop. That done, we were back in business and printed out 20 cards. I wasn't sure if I had enough ink to print more, so I quit while I was ahead! LOL.
We had a 10% off coupon to Camping World that was going to expire by Saturday...so Friday we drove up to the store in San Bernardino. We invested in a new satellite dish that was on sale ($80 off the usual price) and used the coupon on the purchase of a much needed towing brake for the car. We also got Millie a Happy Camper tee shirt......sadly, they didn't have one in Willie's size. We were going to have the braking system installed at Camping World, but we couldn't get an appointment at a time that would work for us. We called Brad Miller, who has done some repair work for us before. I have blogged about him in the past because he and his son do great work, are very reliable, and charge a reasonable fee for their services. He is going to do the installation on the day before we leave here......at our site. YAY!!!!!
There are always interesting things to see here in the park. Such as this vehicle which I think belongs to one of the park rangers, since it was parked near the ranger station on a few occasions.
I wonder if this allows him to use the carpool lane. I guess he must be from Arizona.........where it's reported that it is a "dry heat".
Recently we had a pleasant evening, not too hot and not too chilly, so we took the furry kids for a nice walk around the park.
This was a beautiful sunset over the park. I never cease to be amazed by the beauty of God's artwork!
This was a neat picture of an eagle on the side of a motorhome over near one of the canals here in the park.
We often see this bus conversion motorhome, and think it is "interesting". Have not yet met the owners, but I would love to see the inside of it, if they ever give us a chance to go inside.
We were intrigued by the reflection of trees and clouds on the windshield of this class A motorhome.
Another night, another awesome sunset!!!!
We surely couldn't live in anything this small, but it really is cute!!!!
As we have said before, we are always concerned about protecting pets from becoming overheated. Here's a cute example of someone trying to keep the sun off their furry kids.
Now for the warnings I mentioned in my emails:
1---besides advising people not to leave pets in closed cars, I also want to remind everyone that concrete and gravel can be much too hot to walk your dogs on. Please be careful where you walk your pets, and check their feet to make sure they have not been burned. If they do suffer any burns, please take your pet to a vet ASAP for proper care.
2---I was recently warned about an outbreak of Parvo in dogs in the area. My sister Donna has let me know that if is a very virulent strain and that it can be carried into a house on your shoes. Sadly she knows of one canine death, and another dog in very serious condition. Therefore, I'm asking all pet owners to be sure your pets are current on all their vaccinations. If you aren't sure, please call your vet to check on the status of their immunizations. And also, if you are not currently protecting your pets against heartworms, we suggest you get them tested and started on the once-a-month protection so they will never be at risk for this deadly disease. Untreated, it is always fatal, and the treatment is very rough on a dog, and very expensive, so prevention is the much better option. Some people have told me there is no need for heartworm prevention where they live, but it has been diagnosed in all 48 of the contiguous states. Please protect your pets. It is worth the cost.
This shows Jim and the "kids" out in the nook. Beyond is a huge 5th wheel trailer with an outside porch on the back. We really don't want a 5th wheeler, but that raised porch looked kinda nice!
Yesterday our friends Judy and Frank came over for the afternoon. We played Mexican Train. She brought roasted chicken (from Smart & Final) which was delish, and potato salad, green salad, cole slaw and a watermelon. I had made an impossible cherry pie for dessert. What a grand day we had.
Here's the kids, all tuckered out after a long walk outside.
As I said above, Life IS Great!!! Don't miss a single minute of what God has in store for you. Go....see.....do and enjoy all of it! Take care of your health, get whatever exercise you can do, and enjoy life. We're only here for a short time. I know the next life is even more wonderful than we can imagine, but that's no reason not to enjoy what God has given us now.
There is much we want to share with everyone, so here goes.
Last Thursday we tracked down ONE copy of Print Master Platinum at the Staples store in Lake Elsinore, so we had the guy hold it for us and we rushed over to get it. Using it, we were able to produce new "business cards" to give out to people we meet. But then we couldn't print them out because I was using the power cord from my printer to replace the defunct power cord for my computer......so we had to go back to Staples to get a new power cord for my laptop. That done, we were back in business and printed out 20 cards. I wasn't sure if I had enough ink to print more, so I quit while I was ahead! LOL.
We had a 10% off coupon to Camping World that was going to expire by Saturday...so Friday we drove up to the store in San Bernardino. We invested in a new satellite dish that was on sale ($80 off the usual price) and used the coupon on the purchase of a much needed towing brake for the car. We also got Millie a Happy Camper tee shirt......sadly, they didn't have one in Willie's size. We were going to have the braking system installed at Camping World, but we couldn't get an appointment at a time that would work for us. We called Brad Miller, who has done some repair work for us before. I have blogged about him in the past because he and his son do great work, are very reliable, and charge a reasonable fee for their services. He is going to do the installation on the day before we leave here......at our site. YAY!!!!!
There are always interesting things to see here in the park. Such as this vehicle which I think belongs to one of the park rangers, since it was parked near the ranger station on a few occasions.
I wonder if this allows him to use the carpool lane. I guess he must be from Arizona.........where it's reported that it is a "dry heat".
Recently we had a pleasant evening, not too hot and not too chilly, so we took the furry kids for a nice walk around the park.
This was a beautiful sunset over the park. I never cease to be amazed by the beauty of God's artwork!
This was a neat picture of an eagle on the side of a motorhome over near one of the canals here in the park.
We often see this bus conversion motorhome, and think it is "interesting". Have not yet met the owners, but I would love to see the inside of it, if they ever give us a chance to go inside.
We were intrigued by the reflection of trees and clouds on the windshield of this class A motorhome.
Another night, another awesome sunset!!!!
We surely couldn't live in anything this small, but it really is cute!!!!
As we have said before, we are always concerned about protecting pets from becoming overheated. Here's a cute example of someone trying to keep the sun off their furry kids.
Now for the warnings I mentioned in my emails:
1---besides advising people not to leave pets in closed cars, I also want to remind everyone that concrete and gravel can be much too hot to walk your dogs on. Please be careful where you walk your pets, and check their feet to make sure they have not been burned. If they do suffer any burns, please take your pet to a vet ASAP for proper care.
2---I was recently warned about an outbreak of Parvo in dogs in the area. My sister Donna has let me know that if is a very virulent strain and that it can be carried into a house on your shoes. Sadly she knows of one canine death, and another dog in very serious condition. Therefore, I'm asking all pet owners to be sure your pets are current on all their vaccinations. If you aren't sure, please call your vet to check on the status of their immunizations. And also, if you are not currently protecting your pets against heartworms, we suggest you get them tested and started on the once-a-month protection so they will never be at risk for this deadly disease. Untreated, it is always fatal, and the treatment is very rough on a dog, and very expensive, so prevention is the much better option. Some people have told me there is no need for heartworm prevention where they live, but it has been diagnosed in all 48 of the contiguous states. Please protect your pets. It is worth the cost.
This shows Jim and the "kids" out in the nook. Beyond is a huge 5th wheel trailer with an outside porch on the back. We really don't want a 5th wheeler, but that raised porch looked kinda nice!
Yesterday our friends Judy and Frank came over for the afternoon. We played Mexican Train. She brought roasted chicken (from Smart & Final) which was delish, and potato salad, green salad, cole slaw and a watermelon. I had made an impossible cherry pie for dessert. What a grand day we had.
Here's the kids, all tuckered out after a long walk outside.
As I said above, Life IS Great!!! Don't miss a single minute of what God has in store for you. Go....see.....do and enjoy all of it! Take care of your health, get whatever exercise you can do, and enjoy life. We're only here for a short time. I know the next life is even more wonderful than we can imagine, but that's no reason not to enjoy what God has given us now.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Another Beautiful Day at Wilderness Lakes
Hello everyone,
As the title says, it IS a beautiful day here, as so many days are. I never know just what I will write, or how long it will be until it's done, but I think this entry will be fairly short. I would like to begin with a quote that I received in my Passport America Newsletter today, if I can copy/paste it into my blog.
"We must begin by learning what it means to have enough......to feel gratitude for having been born on a planet so rich in nature and gratitude for the water that makes life possible. If you open your eyes you will see that the world is full of so much that deserves our gratitude. When you have become the embodiment of gratitude, think how pure the water that fills your body will be. When this happens, you, yourself will be a beautiful shining crystal of light."
-Dr. Masaru Emoto, Messages from Water
I thought this was a wonderful and inspirational statement. I hope it will inspire gratitude in all of you who read this. I am always astonished by complainers, who see only what is lacking in their lives and fail to see all the wonder and beauty around them. Almost all of us has so very much to appreciate in our lives.....for most of us, we woke up this morning, and we can see, hear, smell, feel and taste things around us. Most of us have some money in our pockets, and food in the refrigerator. Most of us have clean water to drink and to shower in. Most of us have friends, family, maybe even a spouse or partner who loves us to share our days with. We have freedoms that can only be dreamed of in many parts of this world. If we are wise enough to accept Him, we have a God who loves us and has already forgiven our sins. He promises us eternal salvation if we just ask it of Him by truthfully accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. How awesome and amazing is that? He doesn't promise us all our days will be perfect, because we have free will and WE choose how we spend our days. I guess that is why we can't blame HIM if things go wrong some days. He doesn't promise to grant all our wishes, for which I am TRULY grateful! He has a much better plan for us than what WE may think we need or want. We have only to pray and ask Him what we need. For all of this, I am truly filled with gratitude.
Yesterday Donna & George came here to visit us for the day. Since her birthday is just a few days away, we made it a birthday party for her. We got a wonderful chocolate fudge cake and Jim made home made ice cream for dessert. We served BBQ pork sandwiches and potato salad for lunch. We enjoyed some Pink Moscato wine with it. So delightful.
We had a lovely day. Donna wasn't sure where we would be next month so she brought us our birthday gift yesterday. It was a video called Animal Miracles. She said that maybe after we watched it we could lend it to her so they could see it too. I said we could watch it now, and we did. It was an amazing collection of 14 animal stories that surely did involve miracles. Donna and I needed tissues as some were real tear jerkers for us. But all were remarkable stories of the love between animals and humans, and the miracles that are possible with faith and love. I will watch them again for sure. Before they left, George was complaining of aches and pains everywhere, so I fitted him with magnetic bracelets on both wrists and on one ankle. He scoffed at the idea that they would do anything for him, but I am sure that he will see the difference in a very short time. We both KNOW what they have done for us.
We are really enjoying our new screen room when it's not too hot outside. We often have breakfast, or at least morning coffee outside, and then late afternoon or evening we like to sit outside after it cools off a little. People often stop by to ask us about it. It was much easier to set up than the old one was. We have decided next time not to put out the RV awning as the side arms of the awning affected where we could set the room. Without the awning side arms, we can line up the screen room door with the RV door, and make it easier to get in and out of it. But it was the first time, and we have learned from this experience. I'm pretty sure that next time we WILL put the outside refrigerator in the screen room too. The dogs are happy with it, and Millie loves just walking through the doorways which are only secured by magnets which release easily!
Last evening we enjoyed the nightly entertainment here, through our living room window. If we had tried to go outside, we would have scared them off.
The pictures are not great, but it was great to see this parade of geese, with their young going by. Dave Lyons, the manager here at Wilderness Lakes, said the baby ducks are smaller and more vulnerable, so their parents will keep them in safer areas of the park until they are bigger.
I told Dave about our dog Willie developing a red rash on his underarms and chest that I thought might have been caused by what they spray here to keep the weeds down, and he said that could be true, but that if they didn't spray, the whole place would be overrun with weeds. We took Willie to the vet here in Menifee last Tuesday, and back for a follow-up appointment this past Monday. Today it finally seems to be clearing up. Thank God. He isn't scratching anymore either, so the pills must be working. YAY!!!!
We hope all of you are enjoying warmer the weather, as summer progresses. There are many wonderful places in this country to visit and historic places to see. Next week I am hoping to visit the Lavender Festival in Cherry Valley (between Yucaipa and Beaumont). Maybe Donna & George can meet us there! When we go back up to Silent Valley later this month, we also hope to visit the Historic Gilman Ranch and Wagon Museum in Banning. Please enjoy America, and remember to take drinking water with you when you go on your outdoor adventures. One more very important message: PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE CHILDREN, PETS OR OLDER FAMILY MEMBERS IN CLOSED VEHICLES, EVEN FOR A FEW MINUTES. Even when it may not seem very hot, the heat inside a closed car can climb in almost no time at all. As for pets left at home when you go out for a while, remember to leave them PLENTY of fresh drinking water, and provide fresh air or air conditioning so they don't get over-heated. Thank you and have a great week!
As the title says, it IS a beautiful day here, as so many days are. I never know just what I will write, or how long it will be until it's done, but I think this entry will be fairly short. I would like to begin with a quote that I received in my Passport America Newsletter today, if I can copy/paste it into my blog.
"We must begin by learning what it means to have enough......to feel gratitude for having been born on a planet so rich in nature and gratitude for the water that makes life possible. If you open your eyes you will see that the world is full of so much that deserves our gratitude. When you have become the embodiment of gratitude, think how pure the water that fills your body will be. When this happens, you, yourself will be a beautiful shining crystal of light."
-Dr. Masaru Emoto, Messages from Water
I thought this was a wonderful and inspirational statement. I hope it will inspire gratitude in all of you who read this. I am always astonished by complainers, who see only what is lacking in their lives and fail to see all the wonder and beauty around them. Almost all of us has so very much to appreciate in our lives.....for most of us, we woke up this morning, and we can see, hear, smell, feel and taste things around us. Most of us have some money in our pockets, and food in the refrigerator. Most of us have clean water to drink and to shower in. Most of us have friends, family, maybe even a spouse or partner who loves us to share our days with. We have freedoms that can only be dreamed of in many parts of this world. If we are wise enough to accept Him, we have a God who loves us and has already forgiven our sins. He promises us eternal salvation if we just ask it of Him by truthfully accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. How awesome and amazing is that? He doesn't promise us all our days will be perfect, because we have free will and WE choose how we spend our days. I guess that is why we can't blame HIM if things go wrong some days. He doesn't promise to grant all our wishes, for which I am TRULY grateful! He has a much better plan for us than what WE may think we need or want. We have only to pray and ask Him what we need. For all of this, I am truly filled with gratitude.
Yesterday Donna & George came here to visit us for the day. Since her birthday is just a few days away, we made it a birthday party for her. We got a wonderful chocolate fudge cake and Jim made home made ice cream for dessert. We served BBQ pork sandwiches and potato salad for lunch. We enjoyed some Pink Moscato wine with it. So delightful.
We had a lovely day. Donna wasn't sure where we would be next month so she brought us our birthday gift yesterday. It was a video called Animal Miracles. She said that maybe after we watched it we could lend it to her so they could see it too. I said we could watch it now, and we did. It was an amazing collection of 14 animal stories that surely did involve miracles. Donna and I needed tissues as some were real tear jerkers for us. But all were remarkable stories of the love between animals and humans, and the miracles that are possible with faith and love. I will watch them again for sure. Before they left, George was complaining of aches and pains everywhere, so I fitted him with magnetic bracelets on both wrists and on one ankle. He scoffed at the idea that they would do anything for him, but I am sure that he will see the difference in a very short time. We both KNOW what they have done for us.
We are really enjoying our new screen room when it's not too hot outside. We often have breakfast, or at least morning coffee outside, and then late afternoon or evening we like to sit outside after it cools off a little. People often stop by to ask us about it. It was much easier to set up than the old one was. We have decided next time not to put out the RV awning as the side arms of the awning affected where we could set the room. Without the awning side arms, we can line up the screen room door with the RV door, and make it easier to get in and out of it. But it was the first time, and we have learned from this experience. I'm pretty sure that next time we WILL put the outside refrigerator in the screen room too. The dogs are happy with it, and Millie loves just walking through the doorways which are only secured by magnets which release easily!
The pictures are not great, but it was great to see this parade of geese, with their young going by. Dave Lyons, the manager here at Wilderness Lakes, said the baby ducks are smaller and more vulnerable, so their parents will keep them in safer areas of the park until they are bigger.
I told Dave about our dog Willie developing a red rash on his underarms and chest that I thought might have been caused by what they spray here to keep the weeds down, and he said that could be true, but that if they didn't spray, the whole place would be overrun with weeds. We took Willie to the vet here in Menifee last Tuesday, and back for a follow-up appointment this past Monday. Today it finally seems to be clearing up. Thank God. He isn't scratching anymore either, so the pills must be working. YAY!!!!
We hope all of you are enjoying warmer the weather, as summer progresses. There are many wonderful places in this country to visit and historic places to see. Next week I am hoping to visit the Lavender Festival in Cherry Valley (between Yucaipa and Beaumont). Maybe Donna & George can meet us there! When we go back up to Silent Valley later this month, we also hope to visit the Historic Gilman Ranch and Wagon Museum in Banning. Please enjoy America, and remember to take drinking water with you when you go on your outdoor adventures. One more very important message: PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE CHILDREN, PETS OR OLDER FAMILY MEMBERS IN CLOSED VEHICLES, EVEN FOR A FEW MINUTES. Even when it may not seem very hot, the heat inside a closed car can climb in almost no time at all. As for pets left at home when you go out for a while, remember to leave them PLENTY of fresh drinking water, and provide fresh air or air conditioning so they don't get over-heated. Thank you and have a great week!
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Back Home at Wilderness Lakes
reservation, and joined us that night. They are really great friends, and we had a FANTASTIC evening of dinner, dancing and conversation with them. They have been married 52 years........I guess they must have gotten married before they were even 10 years old. Thanks again for the bottle of wine and the great fun evening. We danced our feet off, but still felt pretty good. Thanks to the magnetic jewelry. So amazing what they have done for us. We slept late the next morning, then did a few errands. We got back in time to go into the lodge for their Saturday burgers.............didn't seem quite as good as I remembered. Alas, things do change. The rest of Saturday was pretty quiet. We enjoyed spending the day with our furry kids.
Sunday morning we went to church. It is always great to see Pastor Paul and his wife Aiko, and the rest of our church family. We were sorry to hear we had missed the visit a couple weeks ago when Al & Judy had been here from South Dakota. Ingrid rode back to the lodge with us so she could come to Pizza Sunday.
Pastor Paul & Aiko also came, and I thought I got their picture too, but now I see that I didn't......so sorry.
Below is a picture of Connie Perkins, aka Fancy. She and her husband are part of the group known as the Elks Clowns, who perform at many events and raise money for Elk charities.
Here's a group shot of some of the many people that were here at the lodge to dance to the country music we were enjoying.
I didn't catch the name of the band, but they were very good, and did all the songs we wanted to dance to.
I think they only took one break the whole afternoon.
Here's a shot of Marla Greer and Fred Wantz. They had just returned from a trip to the Grand Canyon. We used to be in a Good Sam camping club with Fred, and happily have remained close friends after we left the club. He is a very active 82 years old, and a really marvelous person. We met Marla when I joined the Emblem club many years ago. Emblem club is an organization for women (and now a few men) that have an affiliation with the Elks Lodge. Most, but not all of the women, are wives of Elk members. The club helps to support the lodge, and carries on its own charitable projects. Marla has been a member even longer than I have.....and she is also an Elk member now. She is a very beautiful woman of a certain age (not to be mentioned by me of course) who is also very active and artistic.
Monday we invited Ron & Sherrie over to our RV for a BBQ. They brought wonderful steaks, and I did the French Fries, salad and corn on the cob, and for dessert we had yummy home made ice cream that Jim had made. We played Mexican Train before dinner, and Rummy Kube after dinner. It was another fantastic day!!!!! I'm so glad you folks were able to spend the day with us.
Tuesday we left early to go to Imperial Auto to get the new Shocks put on the RV. We were astonished by how much they improved the ride coming down to Wilderness Lakes. We got all set up yesterday afternoon, but decided to wait until today to put up the new screen room because it was just too hot to work outside.
Here is a view from outside. It is not attached to the RV or to the awning. It has magnetic door closures on the front and back, but the dogs can walk right through them, so Millie has to be on a leash while inside it.
For this one I got closer to show them sitting inside the screen room.
Back in the house later......I think Millie wanted to go back outside. Now Tony is here with his wonder dog Woody for a visit. Life is grand and we are so blessed to be able to live in our RV and see the wonderful places we go to, and to spend time with all the incredible people we meet in our travels. While we were at the lodge, our very wonderful friend Robert came over and unscrambled some of the garbage I had on my computer, and found a way into my Western Digital hard drive so now I can again access all the pictures (and the memories associated with the pictures) that we had stored on it. Thanks again so much Robert. You are amazing!!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and remember to enjoy each day. It's a gift, that why it's called the present. The past is history, and the future is a mystery, so please, please enjoy each day fully, and realize how blessed we all are to be living in this great country. Bye now!!!!!
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