There is much we want to share with everyone, so here goes.
Last Thursday we tracked down ONE copy of Print Master Platinum at the Staples store in Lake Elsinore, so we had the guy hold it for us and we rushed over to get it. Using it, we were able to produce new "business cards" to give out to people we meet. But then we couldn't print them out because I was using the power cord from my printer to replace the defunct power cord for my we had to go back to Staples to get a new power cord for my laptop. That done, we were back in business and printed out 20 cards. I wasn't sure if I had enough ink to print more, so I quit while I was ahead! LOL.
We had a 10% off coupon to Camping World that was going to expire by Friday we drove up to the store in San Bernardino. We invested in a new satellite dish that was on sale ($80 off the usual price) and used the coupon on the purchase of a much needed towing brake for the car. We also got Millie a Happy Camper tee shirt......sadly, they didn't have one in Willie's size. We were going to have the braking system installed at Camping World, but we couldn't get an appointment at a time that would work for us. We called Brad Miller, who has done some repair work for us before. I have blogged about him in the past because he and his son do great work, are very reliable, and charge a reasonable fee for their services. He is going to do the installation on the day before we leave our site. YAY!!!!!
There are always interesting things to see here in the park. Such as this vehicle which I think belongs to one of the park rangers, since it was parked near the ranger station on a few occasions.
I wonder if this allows him to use the carpool lane. I guess he must be from Arizona.........where it's reported that it is a "dry heat".
Recently we had a pleasant evening, not too hot and not too chilly, so we took the furry kids for a nice walk around the park.
This was a beautiful sunset over the park. I never cease to be amazed by the beauty of God's artwork!
This was a neat picture of an eagle on the side of a motorhome over near one of the canals here in the park.
We often see this bus conversion motorhome, and think it is "interesting". Have not yet met the owners, but I would love to see the inside of it, if they ever give us a chance to go inside.
We were intrigued by the reflection of trees and clouds on the windshield of this class A motorhome.
Another night, another awesome sunset!!!!
We surely couldn't live in anything this small, but it really is cute!!!!
As we have said before, we are always concerned about protecting pets from becoming overheated. Here's a cute example of someone trying to keep the sun off their furry kids.
Now for the warnings I mentioned in my emails:
1---besides advising people not to leave pets in closed cars, I also want to remind everyone that concrete and gravel can be much too hot to walk your dogs on. Please be careful where you walk your pets, and check their feet to make sure they have not been burned. If they do suffer any burns, please take your pet to a vet ASAP for proper care.
2---I was recently warned about an outbreak of Parvo in dogs in the area. My sister Donna has let me know that if is a very virulent strain and that it can be carried into a house on your shoes. Sadly she knows of one canine death, and another dog in very serious condition. Therefore, I'm asking all pet owners to be sure your pets are current on all their vaccinations. If you aren't sure, please call your vet to check on the status of their immunizations. And also, if you are not currently protecting your pets against heartworms, we suggest you get them tested and started on the once-a-month protection so they will never be at risk for this deadly disease. Untreated, it is always fatal, and the treatment is very rough on a dog, and very expensive, so prevention is the much better option. Some people have told me there is no need for heartworm prevention where they live, but it has been diagnosed in all 48 of the contiguous states. Please protect your pets. It is worth the cost.
This shows Jim and the "kids" out in the nook. Beyond is a huge 5th wheel trailer with an outside porch on the back. We really don't want a 5th wheeler, but that raised porch looked kinda nice!
Yesterday our friends Judy and Frank came over for the afternoon. We played Mexican Train. She brought roasted chicken (from Smart & Final) which was delish, and potato salad, green salad, cole slaw and a watermelon. I had made an impossible cherry pie for dessert. What a grand day we had.
Here's the kids, all tuckered out after a long walk outside.
As I said above, Life IS Great!!! Don't miss a single minute of what God has in store for you. and enjoy all of it! Take care of your health, get whatever exercise you can do, and enjoy life. We're only here for a short time. I know the next life is even more wonderful than we can imagine, but that's no reason not to enjoy what God has given us now.
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