I tried to make sure Jim didn't do too much, but he still was pretty tired by the time we found a site and got all set up. The sites we like best were not available, as usual, so we ended up taking the site right next to where we were last month. Not a bad site, just pretty far from everything! That can be good or bad sometimes.
We have an interesting unit parked next to us. The wife is a glass artist and they live up in Idyllwild. She also hand paints silk scarves that she sells, starting at $90 each! I have never had a knack for wearing a scarf, and I can't afford that kind of money for something that will look like I'm trying to hide under it, so of course I did not buy one. They left a few days ago and so far their site is still empty, but this is Friday, and campers are arriving for the weekend.
On our left side, in the site we had last month is another interesting rig.
We know from seeing RVs like this at shows, that the back slide has the head of the bed in it. Usually that means there is no room to walk around up there, and that makes it hard to make or change the bed. This guy arrived and stayed a few hours, then left on Saturday. I don't know how long his RV has been here, but he's been gone all week. The park rules now allow a rig to be left, unoccupied, for up to 30 days on a site. We don't like that rule, but that's how it is. Anyway, he told Jim he is having a screen room put on, so we expect he'll be back this weekend for that to be done.
Monday, and again Tuesday we had to drive over to the VA Hospital in Loma Linda. Jim had X-rays and lab work and saw a Nurse Practitioner on Monday, and had a repeat CT scan on Tuesday. We got a call from the doctor yesterday, and the earliest he could be scheduled for his surgery will be September 15th, so we are asking for prayers that he doesn't experience any really bad pain before they can get him in to pulverize the stone so he can pass it. Thanks all.
A few days ago we got around to putting up our new awning lights. I wish we could have gotten more of these cute chili pepper lights, but they only had the one string of them at Richardson's, so we added the blue rope lights to "go the distance".
I took this shot using the flash so the lights didn't show up as well as I had hoped. Then I tried again, using the night landscape
I'm going to try again tonight with the porch light on and see if that will give me a better picture. Anyway, you can get an idea of how it looks.
Our patio side gets too much sun to sit out there in the morning, but once it cools down in the early evening it is very pleasant to sit out there. Most days we get a delightful breeze and we really enjoy being out there. Millie loves to be outside, but Willie thinks he must be on guard duty so he never really relaxes outdoors.
Today I took Millie in the shower with me. I used to try to bathe her in the kitchen sink, but that doesn't work too well. It is much easier in the shower, but after she is all dried off, this is how she looks.............like she has been tortured. She really doesn't seem to mind while she's in there, and it's funny when Willie sticks his nose in through the curtain to see what I'm doing to her!
I tried to call Bennett RV Repair yesterday, as there are a couple things I wanted him to take care of...........but he has moved to Lake Havasu, Arizona. We are sorry to see him leave, but it was what he wanted to do. I can't imagine living in a place as hot as Arizona. Oh well.
Yesterday we sent in our registration form and check for the FMCA International Rally that will be held in Tucson, AZ next February. They are offering a limited number FULL hookup sites, and we wanted to make sure we got one of them. Someone asked me how we can plan that far in advance for an event like this. In the first place, we have faith in God that we will still be here, and be well next year, and if we aren't, that money won't matter anyway. In the second place, it is taking place from February 5--9th, and that's right after we will be in Quartzsite and before we head east to go to Arrey for a few months. In the third and final place, the reason we RV is so we CAN go to events like this.........so we are going!
God watches over us, and we know He loves us. Even when things don't happen the way we had planned, we know things will happen according to His plan, so it will always be good. We trust our Heavenly Father in all of His infinite wisdom, and then enjoy whatever He sends our way. As I've said before, Life is a Journey and we intend to enjoy each day of it. I hope you will too.
A friend of ours wrote recently to ask us a few questions about RVing. He is thinking about getting an RV to place in a park not far from his home. That is a great way to begin, but I hope maybe he might consider a rental unit at first. That way, he can see what features he likes, and what ones he may not need before he buys one. I also told him that once he buys one and puts it in an RV park, he just might get the itch to travel a little in it. People in RV parks and campgrounds are usually very friendly and helpful, especially to first timers. Once you get settled in, take a walk around and meet your neighbors. They all have stories they love to share. Some stories will amuse you when you hear about the mistakes they have made. Some have lessons you can learn from. Others may inspire you to travel and see some of the wonderful places of beauty and grandeur only God could create. And just maybe, we will meet up at a campground somewhere and swap stories with you too. If we can help you in any way, don't hesitate to write or call us for advice or information. If any of you readers are thinking about dipping your toes in the water of RV adventures, I hope you won't waste any more time and will begin your adventure soon. Happy trails to you, and keep the rubber side down, as Walt Wille likes to say.
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