This is the Jason Sturges Cottage. It was built in 1810, and has some interesting history.
This house was also in Fairfield, and we thought it was really impressive. The members at the lodge were incredibly friendly, making it a very nice visit. After leaving there on Sunday, we went to the Elks lodge in Beacon, NY for one night. Their lodge was a very impressive brick building.
On Saturday they had hosted a "biker" group event as a fund raiser for the Wounded Warrior Project. They had over 300 motorcycle riders there and raised a great deal of money for the charity. Sunday the bikers were back to do clean-up. The lodge was huge, and had a very large lawn, and covered picnic pavilion. It looked like a great place to have a summer party. Today we left Beacon, NY Elks lodge, and drove south and west to get to the Elks lodge in Pittstown, NJ. It is a very small lodge. We got here about 12:30 pm, and it took us almost TWO hours to get the RV positioned level enough to put the levelers down! Finally we got the RV all set up, and later some people arrived to open the lodge for the afternoon. We went inside and ended up having a hot New York style pretzel and a drink. Nice day!
This lodge also has a lot of property with a huge pond and a resident snapping turtle. We didn't see the turtle ourselves, but I'll take their word for it. LOL.
When we don't have a campground reservation, we have chosen to stay at Elks lodges, instead of staying at Wal-Mart stores. We generally feel safer at the lodges, and we have gotten to meet many nice people. BPOE, which is the abbreviation for the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, also means "Best People On Earth". If you are an Elk member, you are welcome to visit any lodge anywhere. Also, if they have RV sites, or enough space to park an RV, they have been very happy to welcome us to stay for one night or more. Many lodges didn't have RV hook ups, but they were eager to run an electric line out to us, and provide us with fresh water to fill our tank. It has been amazing the way we have been greeted and treated by all these wonderful people. If you are not an Elk member, I encourage you to think about becoming one. It is a great organization, that does a lot of charitable things for their communities.
Tomorrow we will be going on to the Thousand Trails Hershey Preserve in Lebanon, Pa for a two week stay. We have not yet made any reservations or plans after that, as we are hoping to hear from the insurance adjuster and make arrangements for the repairs to be done to the RV. I'm going to email her again tomorrow after we get to Hershey Park. I don't want to be TOO annoying, but I do want to be a bit if a squeeky wheel. I don't want her to forget about our claim.
I think that's all for today, so again, be safe, stay well, and enjoy this great land of ours. keep the rubber side down folks. Happy travels to all.
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