It is a very pricey park, but it is beautiful. We desperately needed to do laundry, so today we got that out of the way. Yesterday afternoon, after getting all set up here, we left the dogs, in air conditioned comfort, and went to Mystic Pizza II. It is actually in Stonington, but it IS where the movie was made.
It was so fantastic to actually be there, and after all the stress of the past week, I broke down in tears of joy after we were seated. The waitress rushed over to ask what was wrong. I told her nothing was wrong, but that we had come all the way from southern California and this was a dream come true for me to be here, and she got teary-eyed too. We ordered our pizza and I took lots of pictures, even took pictures of part of the menu! LOL.
It was the BEST PIZZA we have ever topped Chicago pizza AND even New York pizza! WOW.
Before we left, Jim bought me a Mystic Pizza tee shirt. Our waitress took our picture too.
I am so glad you had such a fine time. And exceptional pizza with mystical beer...Yum.